Example sentences of "their [det] [noun] and it " in BNC.

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1 That is what they like to do with their few acres and it is of some benefit to us .
2 They had shot their own film and it somehow got mislaid .
3 This in turn offers trainees the possibility of taking an objective look at their own performance and it gives trainers the chance to assess that performance .
4 Mr Deputy Speaker , as the honourable members knows , our S S A calculations are on slightly different basis from England as we set out in this report and we do believe that local authorities should have the maximum flexibility to make their own decisions and it is therefore a matter for local debate .
5 And then other firms did that and er they was the same people nearly , got their own lines and it was worse that was , so they got onto the same lines and er the competition became then financial
6 The church is using state money rather than their own money and it was felt that the church had become another agency of the state in this regard .
7 Erm a lot of employers are looking at self funding because the m They can manage their own money and it 's much more efficient to do so and then they also have a lot more control over the management of the claims themselves because they select their own management corporation .
8 It was not clear enough to protect the sellers from the consequences of their own negligence and it did not apply when the sellers had delivered something wholly different in kind from that which had been ordered .
9 That would we feel is certainly in a coordinating way and if somebody for instance er say you 've got a husband and wife living together , one of them suddenly becomes handicapped in a particular way , what we are planning to do is trying to develop programmes which will enable the carer to have to go on training at the County Council 's expense to enable them to look after somebody in their own homes and it 's a type of thing we want to develop .
10 Manufacturers wrote their own copy and it appears very naive now .
11 ‘ There are an increasing number of executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy and run their own business and it appears that MBIs are catching up with MBOs as a method of achieving that goal . ’
12 In 1889 a Select Committee heard another plea from a male trade unionist for the restriction of married women 's work on the grounds that ‘ when the married women turn into the domestic workshops they become competitors against their own husbands and it requires a man and his wife to earn what the man alone would earn if she were not in the shop ’ .
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