Example sentences of "their [det] [noun] but [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Programmed texts are excellent for individualised learning since not only can students work at their own pace but they receive immediate confirmation of the correctness of their response ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
2 The Americans not only were spending heavily on their own forces but they also were determined to wring the maximum defence effort from European allies .
3 I think he 's got a whole metaphor going in this poem between wild animals and things that exist freely and are difficult to find and poems which are things that exist and have their own life but they are also difficult to find .
4 More than a century later the emperor Julian ‘ the Apostate ’ was complaining that the Christians look after ‘ not only their own beggars but ours as well ’ .
5 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
6 Like the Israelite prophets , they may not be honoured in their own country but they are recognized as belonging .
7 I do n't object to people smoking in the privacy of their own homes but I am a non-smoker .
8 ‘ We know Clydebank will make it difficult for us on their own ground but it is important to this club that Aberdeen go through to meet Hibs in the semi-finals , ’ said manager Willie Miller .
9 He said he wanted to establish that countries deal with their own waste but he felt it was too early to impose a complete ban on imports .
10 As we have commented in previous books , the polytechnics in particular are for the most part anxious to redress the anomaly between themselves and universities whereby the latter are allowed to award their own degrees but they are not .
11 Institutions could be granted charters or licences to confer their own awards but it would be in the interests of higher education if the C.N.A.A .
12 Smokers do have the right to damage their own health but they can pass bronchitis , sore throats and worse on to those around them .
13 They have their own demands but they are an integral part of the liberation struggle , which , right from the start , has stood for equal rights for men and women .
14 I think people can do as they please and they can make up their own minds but I just do n't think that all , everyone else should be like advertising the fact
15 They were concerned about their own roles but they also felt there was no historical evidence of local authority commitment to mental health services and they therefore feared losing hard-won resources to these authorities .
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