Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [coord] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He called meetings to solicit their views and thus began his own experiments with what was effectively community architecture .
2 They will exchange opinions , becoming united in their views or strongly opposed to each other .
3 In the 16th century , Elizabethans rarely cleaned their teeth but instead gargled with sugar water to sweeten the breath .
4 One specialist in geriatric medicine recommends his students to put some elastic bands round their fingers and then try and do some everyday things .
5 They attach themselves with their mouthparts and then release a digestive enzyme secretion which eats into the skin .
6 Scorpions are carnivorous and feed mainly on insects which they catch with their claws and then kill by stinging .
7 With the details of ohms , amps , radiation dosages , and the speed of a new high-velocity missile fresh in their minds , the military technologists have exhausted their discussions and now find themselves on parade .
8 I left him with appreciation and went forward into the central dining car where all the actors were sitting in front of coffee cups and poring over typed sheets of stage directions , muttering under their breaths and sometimes exclaiming aloud .
9 How many Welsh coaches , for example , see their role as not only achieving success for their clubs but also furnishing players of quality for the new multiplicity of Welsh squads ?
10 Like we 've had women who have wet their knickers and then put them on the radiator to dry , or just swilled them out in the sink and end up with a smelly room .
11 Students in the having mode of existence will … write down every word in their looseleaf notebook so that later on , they can memorise their notes and thus pass an examination .
12 For every bright-eyed wagon train or trail blazing adventure , there are a dozen Westerns dealing with lawmen or outlaws who have outlived their times and now find themselves constrained by the pettiness of a civilisation which is rarely grateful for the way they have cleared the ground for its progress .
13 It found itself unable to prevent the pomeshchiks from buying and selling their estates and rapidly establishing de facto hereditary rights of ownership .
14 But the Kane Corporation in America badly wanted them both to endorse their products and generally to revive their image .
15 Neither company could compete with the newcomers by simple price reduction because Franklin and SelecTronics had both invested heavily in the underlying quality of their products and therefore had large costs to amortise .
16 This means that you seek their views , listen to their opinions and actively consider their contributions .
17 Before William 's men could reload , or fix their old-fashioned plug-in bayonets , the enemy were upon them , fearsome in their kilts and ferociously wielding the dirks , claymores and broadswords that had always been the clansmen 's favoured weapons .
18 They concocted a shopping list of stars , which included Queen , Peter Gabriel and Dire Straits , in an attempt to raise £250,000 for local charities , announced their plans and then started trying to secure the groups .
19 Others never adopted their plans and subsequently ignored them when it suited .
20 Because in the United Kingdom companies have not been influenced sufficiently , I believe , by the problem of rewarding their shareholders and therefore have tended not to pay enough attention to their stock prices , I am very must in favour of share option schemes .
21 The companies found this a major block to their activities and eventually pulled out from the area : ‘ The companies never officially admitted that they were leaving , just sort of let their prospecting licences lapse … the reason they departed was because they could n't see any way that they could effectively operate with such total opposition .
22 They have managed to refinance their debts and even obtain modest amounts of new money fairly painlessly .
23 Such customers generally provide information to the Bank on flows on their accounts and hence help in the process of predicting the cash position in the money market .
24 But we 've got to live by their rules and not expect privileges because we happen to be women . ’
25 Essentially , they were administrators , who would have built up a following among other administrators who supported their attitudes and often owed their careers to them .
26 The Alton pack totally dominated their opponents and largely managed to keep the ball away from the excellent Worthing back division .
27 Arts groups have only just begun to take on board the fact that they have to be much more proactive if they are to tap the creativity of people who may be confined to their homes or only get out to day centres with help .
28 Similar problems occur when local authority tenants buy their homes and then become unemployed or sick .
29 Juggling roles , plagued by meetings and money worries , on 24-hour call to the parish or their priests , desperate for time to write their books or even to think , they resemble , as indeed they must , their counterparts in the modern business world .
30 ‘ And why do they speak so roughly to their husbands and why do they have so few manners ?
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