Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the fire in them burnt like a bud of blue flame , swelling , growing , until they felt it would flame into a shower of stars , reaching into the velvet darkness , the little frail wobbly lights of their bikes signalling to the lights of the travelling plane , their mounts leaping up over humps , over rises in the road , up and away into the intoxicating night .
2 It was the same with the herring gutters that was here , I mind them working on the pier down here , and they all had their fingers tied up with Clotes There was the skill that work in this .
3 It was an unsatisfactory relationship , but their meetings made up for infrequency by their intensity .
4 Four or five storeys high , they tottered against each other , held up only by the shells of neighbouring structures , their innards shrivelled up by fire , a real Dresden of a street .
5 When they are moving about and their legs are held apart from the body the splash-pattern is not obvious , but once they crouch motionless , with their legs drawn up to their sides , their trunk and leg patches meet and obscure the divisions between them .
6 The women sat on a mastaba against a sunny wall with their legs drawn up into red velvet skirts .
7 Neighbours who were not so well thought of stood and watched at gun-point , while their homes went up in flames .
8 Charlie now found himself in front and began firing at the Germans as their heads popped up from behind the dug-outs .
9 Instead of buying them aftershave at Christmas , their eyes lit up at enormous , giftwrapped , tubs of Swarfega .
10 All their trumpets tilted up from the ground , as if together they were sounding a blast to the sky .
11 For a while they walked in silence , retracing their steps back up towards the house .
12 BE safe , not sorry , was the message from fire chiefs today as they and their crews geared up for fireworks night on Merseyside .
13 Delighted to be helpful , the white cells rub their genes together in glee , and for the rest of their lives curl up in their DNA sleeping bags .
14 There are many people wasting their lives wrapped up in services that have been set up to meet their so-called ‘ special needs ’ .
15 There is a gem in the Heraklion Museum showing two rampant lions with their forepaws perched up on an altar : at the centre , in place of a pillar or some other representation of the deity , is an unmistakable rayed sun which , as we have already seen , is one of the manifestations of Poteidan ( Figure 44 ) .
16 Some say they 'll take over the children 's education completely as they try to help their youngsters make up for lost time .
17 They tend to rely on their parents to put up with the drudgery of queues and are only interested in capitalism and the rewards it can bring .
18 In the protracted negotiations at Munster in 1645 – 48 the French representatives had their credentials drawn up in French and always used their own language in discussion .
19 Even the men cleaning their weapons looked up at the mention of the name .
20 For thousands of children who spend their days locked up in the shanty towns while their parents work , the streets offer freedom and escape from domestic violence as well as a springboard to prostitution or petty crime .
21 Their calculations came up with the number of a thousand trillion trillion times atmospheric , 1027 , a number larger than the number of atoms in your body .
22 In Les Patineurs and Les Rendezvous Ashton makes his dancers travel upwards as well in an effort to show off their abilities to keep up with the music and beat each other to the exit .
23 It is one sign of the rise of semi-literacy that the descendants of the nineteenth-century civic worthies who took pride in the libraries they opened genuinely can not see any problem in closing them down a hundred years later , or authorising the ruthless dispersal of their stocks built up during that period .
24 In a broadcast speech on July 26 marking the 38th anniversary on the assault on the Moncada barracks , a landmark in the Cuban revolution , President Fidel Castro called on the population to redouble their efforts to stand up to the continuing economic blockade by the United States and to the economic and political collapse of the Eastern bloc , characterizing the latter as a " disaster " [ see p. 38229 ] .
25 When four Germans and their rifles came up at once he knew that he was never going to find out .
26 This is why comic picture-postcards of the time show people at the seaside , paddling in the sea with their trouser-legs rolled up to the knee , or little girls with their dresses tucked into their knickers .
27 Their names went up on a list on the school board as being entitled to free lunches .
28 The committee of six ( nearly all their names turn up in the 1910 sample ) organized a programme which included songs such as " The Old Countree " , and " Flight of Ages " , sung by Misses Forrest and Waugh ; the opportunity to dance quadrilles and waltzes ; and a pianoforte selection by Miss Thomson , who was , like most of the other performers , a compositor .
29 Most important of all , back on the pitch I learnt which customers did n't pay their debts and so could never be allowed to have their names chalked up on the slate .
30 Such was their condition — they were pulled off the ice last week ‘ more dead than alive ’ — that Sir Ranulph and Dr Stroud were off to the Army Personnel Research Establishment for tests on the way their bodies held up to it all .
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