Example sentences of "their [adj] [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 In conjunction with J. P. Manning Prentice , who was then director of the British Astronomical Association 's meteor section , Alcock watched as particles of dust from space dashed at random to their fiery death in the atmosphere , appearing as shooting stars .
2 It identifies in particular local authorities as applying such pressure , and asks them to permit librarians to exercise their professional discretion in the selection of stock .
3 Some teachers saw them simply as points for discussion and considered themselves free to accept or reject them without prejudice to their professional future in the LEA .
4 While the Troop Commander attended the ‘ O ’ Group in Regimental Headquarters , which was ensconced in yet another fly 's paradise of a farmyard some twenty-five kilometres away , the remainder of the troop were roused from their fitful dozing in the late afternoon sunshine to prepare their main compo meal of the day , check equipment and attend to the usual rituals of washing , shaving and boot and weapon cleaning .
5 Women 's move away from full-time housework does not improve their labour-market position in a manner consistent with the theory that their disadvantaged position in the labour market is due solely to their domestic responsibilities .
6 Fashion designers Jean and Martin Pallant and Harpers & Queen cordially invite readers to a special preview of their autumn collection at their fabulous shop in the Pantechnicon building , 19a Motcomb Street , London SW1 .
7 The electoral and sociological omens favoured the Conservatives still , with their entrenched position in the prosperous and populous southern half of Britain .
8 The validity of the claims made for the efficacy of market forces will , therefore , be assessed on the basis of their inherent plausibility in the context of the complex circumstances in which they operate .
9 Finally , HCO 3 - secretion may result not from direct activation of acid-base transport systems but from movement of weak acids in their protonated form in the opposite direction , that is from lumen to cell .
10 The structures and sizes of Asian families in Britain vary , depending to a certain extent on their regional background in the Indian subcontinent .
11 Firstly , there is ignorance of their synergistic role in the treatment of viridans streptococcal and enterococcal endocarditis .
12 In the depressive position , the infant can no longer rely on seeing the good and bad objects as entirely separate , but has to recognize their simultaneous presence in the form of the mother as whole object .
13 There is clear evidence that the peasantry have risen in rebellion on historic occasions , but how much likelihood is there of their political mobilisation in the changing context of rural Latin America ?
14 She was fortunate in that those who had passed through their political puberty in the fifties and sixties had grown up with a hazy notion of the Establishment .
15 The rest of the team will be assembled in their right order in the block corridor .
16 On Hilda Machin 's nodding , Mr Kronweiser calmly took back the copy of the short story and the original manuscript , clipped them together , and put them back carefully in their right place in the drawer .
17 They are still at large and Scotland Yard has not ruled out their possible involvement in the latest attacks , but they are believed to be firearms specialists rather than bomb makers .
18 The impetus for arms control agreements had been boosted by the US-Soviet summit meeting on May 31-June 3 [ see pp. 37518-19 ] , while both alliances had simultaneously been discussing their possible transformation in the light of the acknowledged end of the Cold War , the Warsaw Pact at its June 7 summit meeting [ see p. 37550 ] and the NATO Foreign Ministers at their June 7-8 meeting in Turnberry in Scotland [ the July news digest ] .
19 One of the most intriguing and controversial aspects of acid-base transport systems is their possible role in the regulation of cellular proliferation .
20 Generally , any mechanism that relies on reactions between specific pairs of medium-sized clusters will be flawed , because their specific presence in the plasma will be too small to account for the high yield of the experiments .
21 Gross : The adults are easily identified because of their specific location in the abomasum and their large size ( 2.0-3.0 cm ) .
22 In the Method Tailoring phase , the analyst considers the type of instrument , or instruments , that are considered suitable for the particular investigation and decides their specific role in the analysis .
23 In contrast , in an exchange rate union member countries ' governments retain responsibility for the supply growth rate of their respective currencies and are , therefore , able to manipulate their monetary policy in the short run in pursuit of popularity gains with the electorate .
24 NCT has been invited to join as an associate member and , our President , is our rep. on this advisory body to the government whose terms of references are ‘ to ensure by all possible means that the informed opinions of women are given their due weight in the deliberations of government . ’
25 In the face of their present-day notoriety in the town , the knockers are now spreading their net beyond Brighton in the hope of exacting antiques from the vulnerable and gullible .
26 However , particular emphasis will be placed on the more recent techniques designed to study the differentiation of cells in their normal environment in the intact embryo .
27 However , recently , new techniques have been devised for studying the behaviour of embryonic cells in their normal environment in the conceptus during these stages of development .
28 Some will speak of elementars , spiritual beings which invade the physical world from their normal residence in the astral plane .
29 Borussia Dortmund saw their narrow lead in the German league disappear when they lost 2–1 in Nuremberg .
30 In addition an estimated 500,000 people from poor neighbourhoods in Rangoon , noted for their strong involvement in the 1988 pro-democracy demonstrations , had been disenfranchised by being forcibly relocated to reportedly half-finished satellite townships in mosquito-infested regions of the interior .
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