Example sentences of "their [noun sg] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Give them what they want and you will get their support even in these difficult times , ’ was Chapman 's eternal advice , and it still rings true .
2 Mrs Bauwens , 36 , said : ‘ I am very grateful to David and Judith for their support both at that difficult time and since .
3 There 's only one putting their foot down in this house !
4 Not even those who share the faith would get much for their money out of this one .
5 ONE CAN but wish the publishers of all good luck in getting their money back on this book , for , much as all cricketers should not only strive to become good fielders but enjoy the process of improving their game , how many will lash out nigh on £15 for a manual to help them do so ?
6 How dare the Nottinghamshire police suppose they can throw their weight around in this way ?
7 In the past Ford has been criticised for lack of security on certain models , but they have certainly got their act together with this time .
8 Visiting researchers will be given the opportunity of submitting papers arising from their work here to this journal , or to other journals , with the advice and assistance of supervising scientists , and with in-house editorial assistance from trained and experienced staff .
9 Communications are therefore usually direct and easy , and the staff are able to relate their work personally to that of other departments .
10 Almost all the major builders have launched production models of more than 50ft –15.2m ) ; several are considering extending their range well beyond this .
11 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
12 The real test is whether they have been used in all the cases where there has been flagrant abuse , and I have reason to believe that the traffic commissioners are doing their job competently in that connection .
13 According to Articles 52–54 of the Treaty of Rome , all nationals may live and work and conduct their business freely in any of the member states .
14 The Jews divided their Scripture differently from that familiar to Christians .
15 Also there are the problems of disintermediation , as customers switch their borrowing away from those banks short of liquidity , and the problem of banks resisting the squeeze on liquidity by operating with a lower liquidity ratio .
16 No doubt they chose their paper partly with that bias in mind .
17 No doubt they chose their paper partly with that bias in mind while they felt that television bias was being inflicted upon them against their will .
18 The French employed troops and also aircraft to crush the rebels , yet they were unable to impose their control completely for several months .
19 Beatrice had a wonderfully fluent French-flavoured pen and captured the frenetic quality of their life together in those first few months of the war .
20 knots , very few knots , just lovely yellow pine and er and they make all their furniture out of these pieces , so , he said that 's what set me off on making furniture he said
21 Cabbies have been known to overcharge , to threaten passengers and to hurl their luggage around with little concern as to where it lands .
22 cos they ca n't get their leg over with any woman at all so all their life consists of is doing role playing .
23 What sort of parents would allow their daughter out until this time of night ?
24 But despite their significance both at this practical level and in understanding processes of change , behind the apparent strength of relationships such as those shown in tables 5.1 and 5.2 lie pervasive difficulties in handling speaker variables .
25 She was painfully aware that if she ever betrayed her ambivalent feelings for him he would end their charade immediately with little or no compunction .
26 Lesley still has to deal with idiot boy hecklers : ‘ Women can not express their sexuality freely in any area of life , especially in popular music .
27 It is difficult to get skips in this age group capable of keeping their end up at this level of competition .
28 Both J. Sainsbury and Marks & Spencer upgraded their sales assistants , mostly women , to bring their pay closer to that of warehouse workers , mostly men .
29 Like Nigel , Alan had retired early , and they had enlarged and modernized — quite beautifully — a cottage nearby which had been their holiday home for many years .
30 To our horror we saw wormlike blood-sucking leeches making their way unerringly towards any passing animal , including us .
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