Example sentences of "their [noun sg] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Their ministry tends to be a background rather than a foreground one .
2 Their coats had to shine like satin , and their harness had to be in as good condition as possible .
3 Loss of the nuptial pads is usually assumed to be a consequence of mating on land because , in other frogs and toads , their function appears to be to help the male to grip onto the female 's slippery back while mating in water .
4 Their function appears to be group protection from water pressure although at least one predator ( oystercatcher ) seems not to recognise N. lapillus as such en masse and it is conceivable that aggregation behaviour may offer protection from those birds .
5 Even to this day , many who have never been inside a church since their baptism expect to be buried in consecrated ground after some form of religious service .
6 Yeah their their funding tends to be they 'll they 'll fund something like a production or they 'll say at you know if you put our name up were give you so much or General Portfolio perhaps will will fund a particular show or a series of show 's or say were prepared to put a thousand pounds could you name six shows and we 'll put our name on those show 's when they 're advertised but no company or other Council 's actually prepared to come along and say were prepared to put money on a regular basis .
7 Hall effect semiconductors will measure low flux levels although their response tends to be non-linear and temperature dependent .
8 Their camouflage appears to be destroyed by two bright red spots , indicating to birds that these spiders are noxious .
9 Their sympathy had to be cultivated not abused .
10 What the Department will do now following Mr Davis ' rejection of their decision remains to be seen .
11 ‘ It would cause endless difficulties if their decision happened to be misplaced , dozy or ill thought-out . ’
12 In addition , the social workers in their study appeared to be more aware than the psychiatrists of the relevance of interpersonal and family problems , a clear advantage considering the importance of such social difficulties for these patients .
13 Their research has to be applied in the very process of enquiry : it has to be directly accountable in terms of practical pay-off .
14 We know that their violence has to be confronted , that people have to stand up to it .
15 Their secretion seems to be not food but a volatile potion that has a dramatic impact upon the ants ' behaviour .
16 And er the bread and butter for their tea had to be cut wafer thin .
17 Now you 'd expect somebody who 'd had their car stolen to be uptight .
18 However , when the summer is over and the bothy is left with 200 whisky bottles , each sporting a candle stump in the neck , their usefulness has to be questioned .
19 Finally , both Na + /H + and Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange are present in intact pancreatic and bile ductular cells , although in these cells their localisation remains to be established .
20 Their crime seemed to be that they had sung the song ‘ Hernando 's Hideaway ’ too loudly .
21 With a motor and tyres made from plumber 's tubing , their entry had to be able to travel three metres and to carry a weight — and they proved to the judges that it could and it completed the distance in a time of 8.5 secs .
22 Also , while unpaid volunteers have much to offer , and their work deserves to be commended , long-term commitment is sometimes improved if the befriender is paid for the hours of ‘ companionship ’ work as well as being reimbursed for travelling and related expenses .
23 Its share of women in work is higher than most rich countries ' ( see chart ) , but their work tends to be in more menial jobs .
24 They usually have their own personal computers , they need to subscribe to technical journals and pay for ( relatively expensive ) training and familiarisation courses in order to update their skills , their work tends to be spread over a wider geographical area and the need for a car is greater .
25 Watching the door , Lucy stood waiting for them to emerge again , but their exit appeared to be taking a long time to eventuate .
26 Thus , when there were only one or two dates for supposedly early mine sites , their relevance had to be interpreted with care .
27 What Chomsky is indicating , it seems to me , is that the significance of these disciplines is debatable : their relevance has to be demonstrated .
28 The objects of their fantasy tend to be someone they are with at the time , often a work colleague .
29 Homelessness to me is a lack in any particular individual 's case of whatever their community considers to be a home , i.e. it is an economic not a psychological state .
30 ‘ … bright young men of dishevelled appearance , often with sunken glowing eyes … their arms tensed and waiting to fire their fingers , already poised to strike , at the buttons and keys on which their attention seems to be riveted as a gambler 's on the rolling dice .
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