Example sentences of "has always [been] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Alain has always been intrigued by your colouring . ’
2 She 's the glow that keeps together our family life my business life at the same time has always been supportive of my involvement in Round Table .
3 ‘ Leslie has always been disappointed in me because I did n't continue .
4 He has always been paranoid about his personal security .
5 But Buckingham has always been close to her heart : she officially opened the university sixteen years ago and smiles upon its system of accelerated degrees and open access .
6 However , the deficiency of H is clear , and there are no plausible means by which H can be retained in the interior in substantially greater quantities than C and N. In section 4.4.3 certain difficulties were noted of Venus losing to space large quantities of H. To these difficulties must now be added the difficulty that if Venus has lost large quantities of H to space then the Earth , with its warm exosphere and Mars with its low gravitational field , should also have lost large quantities of H. This supports the conclusion that Venus has always been deficient in H , but it does not help explain why .
7 One I recognized , the local Baronessa , whose family has always been friendly with the occupying forces .
8 The SNP has always been unswerving in its condemnation of violent tactics and its alienation of those who flirt with them .
9 Central government has always been involved in promoting local economic change , and since the 1930s has developed explicitly sub-national and spatially differentiated economic policy .
10 We are looking at several opportunities and will benefit from our involvement with the quarrying side of Wimpey Minerals which has always been involved in marketing its products on a free-market basis , ’ says John Chance .
11 Slothfulness has always been rife amongst trainees , many of whom it has to be said would feel qualms about putting clients into shares they hear through the grapevine are dubious .
12 The welfare state in Britain has always been pluralistic in that there have always been several sources of welfare provision .
13 To me the Navy has always been unrivalled for the style in which it clothes ceremonial occasions , and these dinners , from the entry of the President 's party heralded by nautical airs from the marine band , to the ritual procession of the baron of beef through to the ( sometimes seated ) loyal toast , are no exception .
14 Cotton wool has always been useful for cleaning and washing babies , but it 's never been particularly convenient — until now .
15 The whole idea has always been abhorrent to us , and we were rid of it 14 years ago in 1977 , when we voted to secede from South Africa and re-assist control over our own affairs .
16 The halo effect which surrounds the Wandjina 's head has always been symbolic of ‘ enlightenment ’ and ‘ initiation ’ .
17 Unfortunately , we were unable to contribute to a resolution of these problems without moving away from the non-participant minority shareholding which has always been central to our involvement in Bank of Edinburgh . ’
18 He has always been protective towards the princess .
19 Tim Hely Hutchinson says that Thomas has been ‘ crucial ’ to the development of Headline , and the company has always been strong on marketing .
20 The tendency to see childhood socialisation as the most important gender-constructing process has always been strong in the social sciences , but it has also been criticised on theoretical and political grounds .
21 The objective of developing the cities , in both an economic and physical sense , has always been apparent within inner-urban policy .
22 The survival of the historical record has always been subject to natural and man-made forces .
23 Looking back , it 's clear that Cave has always been obsessed with this latent other within each individual , that can be catalysed by an extreme predicament .
24 WHO TO WATCH While the best that chart music can manage in the way of band names is Black Box , the pub circuit has always been ripe with imaginative handles .
25 It has always been man-made in its entirety , for there has never been a supernatural source of information .
26 Oak for building the ships of the British navy has always been famous as a resource essential for our national survival .
27 Karajan has always been famous for his willingness to breathe with players — wind players in particular — something that many conductors neglect to do .
28 Saint or Sinner , poet Fiona Pitt-Kethley has always been famous for her ability to startle .
29 ‘ Gazza has always been brilliant on the football field and it will be great to see him back after the long haul he 's had . ’
30 Despite its widespread occurrence gold has always been scarce in relation to demand .
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