Example sentences of "has been used by the " in BNC.

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1 And of late years it has been used by the inhabitants of Virginia in many disorders , which are occasioned by thick , sizy blood ; so that the root of this plant , when its virtues are fully known , may become one of the most useful medicines yet discovered .
2 It has been used by the Royal Family , and is now used by the Royal Household and senior railway staff .
3 Rich in essential fat soluble vitamins A and D , fish oil has been used by the whole family for the maintenance of healthy joints and for general well-being .
4 It has been used by the Portuguese Admiralty as a radio station since 1925 .
5 However , an amnesty law passed in 1978 , which granted immunity to the perpetrators of human rights violations , has been used by the courts to block full investigations into these cases .
6 Co-occurrence data has been used by the present project ; the data having been collected from a number of corpora rather than LDOCE .
7 This power has been used by the police in a variety of ways ; to ask demonstrators to leave the scene , even when acting peacefully .
8 A different approach to estimating the distributive effects of public expenditure has been used by the Central Statistical Office ( CSO ) .
9 The survey , by John Jenkins of the Law Society 's Research and Policy Planning Unit , has been used by the Law Society to assist the development of the Practice Management Standards for solicitors firms recently published in draft .
10 In recent years the estate has been used by the Ministry of Agriculture to research into badgers .
11 The laminated ball is fractionally lighter than the leather one which has been used by the Scottish League under its contractual agreement with another firm , Mitre , for the last 14 years .
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