Example sentences of "has been [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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61 Pedalling an auto-assisted bicycle without starting the engine has been held to be driving away .
62 In such a case a complete reconsideration of the case , including the taking of evidence and the finding of facts , would be a waste of time and money ; so the court can remit the case and direct the authority to reconsider the facts in the light of the law as it has been held to be .
63 Many countries , mainly those in the civil law tradition , have made this declaration , including Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Egypt , France , Germany , Luxembourg , Norway , Portugal , Seychelles and Turkey ( but not Italy ) ; accordingly an attempt to serve process via a United States Vice-Consul in the German Federal Republic has been held to be ineffective and the Netherlands Ministry of External Affairs was held to have acted properly when it refused to accept a document intended for service via the diplomatic channel on a defendant in France .
64 For that God has been conceived as male , and that biblical teaching which arose out of a patriarchal society has been held to be the revelation of God , must surely be seen to be the underlying facts of western culture which have led to discrimination against women .
65 For instance , Heisenberg 's indeterminacy principle has been held to be a reason to reject the Law of Excluded Middle .
66 Mr. Roth contended that it is inconceivable that a party who has been held to be merely negligent should be required to contribute to the damages payable by a party who has been found guilty of fraud .
67 As for animals belonging to a dangerous species , a camel has been held to be such because it may cause severe injury by kicking and biting , but strict liability was imposed for injuries suffered by falling off the camel because of its irregular gait .
68 Thus , natural justice has been held to be applicable to cases of disciplinary action within a university and to expulsion for failure in examinations , although in the latter case the examiners had based their decision on the personal attributes of the candidate as well as exam marks .
69 The effect of this has been held to be that , even if the company omits to put them on the register they become members and holders of the number of shares stated .
70 Accordingly , it has been held to be unfair to dismiss a man convicted of one isolated act of incest for which he received a probationary sentence .
71 In civil proceedings similar fact evidence has been held to be admissible where logically relevant provided that this will not be oppressive or unfair to the party concerned ( Mood Music Publishing v De Wolfe Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 Ch 119 ) .
72 ( b ) Public interest privilege Certain information has been held to be privileged because there is a public interest in maintaining its confidentiality .
73 The experiment of holding a members ' team quiz , at a time when travel from outside the area might be difficult , has been agreed to be worth repeating .
74 no asset has been acquired or disposed of on capital account or has been agreed to be acquired or disposed of and no contract involving expenditure by it on capital account has been entered into by the Business .
75 The prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia in diabetics has been reported to be similar to the non-diabetic population , that is from 8 per cent to as high as 52 per cent ( Hayes , 1972 ) .
76 The decrease in total cGMP has been reported to be only 10–15% ( ref. 24 ) , but the decrease in free cGMP has not yet been measured .
77 Tribromoethanol has been reported to be irritant to the viscera of mice and this can cause intestinal problems and death .
78 Such has been reported to be the case by some authors ( Subirana , 1969 ; Luria , 1970 ) but not by others ( Russell and Espir , 1961 ; Newcombe and Ratcliff , 1973 ) .
79 The presence of antibody to the human derived epitope GOR has been reported to be associated with chronic hepatitis C virus infection .
80 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
81 In patients with a macroadenoma ( >1 cm in diameter ) of the pituitary a plasma prolactin concentration of >4000 mU/l , >6000 mU/l , or >8000 mU/l has been reported to be diagnostic of a prolactin secreting adenoma .
82 One of the two patients was of British origin without any known Sephardic or central European ancestry , which has been reported to be associated with the mutation at codon 200 .
83 Low birth weight has been reported to be associated with reduced lung function or with respiratory illness in children , adolescents , and adults .
84 This range of compositions is called the ‘ miscibility window ’ and has been reported to be present in other systems .
85 In the long term , the use of ursodeoxycholic acid has been reported to be of benefit in primary sclerosing cholangitis , but the mechanism by which ursodeoxycholic acid exerts a beneficial effect is unknown .
86 In addition , the nucleation time from more concentrated gall bladder bile has been reported to be quicker than that from hepatic bile in cholesterol gall stone patients .
87 Similarly , PGE 2 synthesis has been reported to be both reduced and increased in patients with superficial gastritis .
88 Albendazole has been reported to be effective .
89 Diethycarbamazine has been reported to be effective .
90 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
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