Example sentences of "has been [art] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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31 In fact , it has been allowed to become progressively more ruinous , has been a shelter for cattle , and has been ignored in all of the county 's publicity material .
32 ‘ Edinvar has been serving tenants for 20 years and Link has been a landlord for nearly 30 years , so we both have a long history of putting tenants first . ’
33 The scheme has been a success for fund-holders ' own patients , but detrimental to the rest .
34 The Video Electronics Standards Association in San Jose is not too pleased with one of its members , Dell Computer Corp , which has suddenly jumped up to claim that some VL-Bus products to its standard infringe one of Dell 's patents : ‘ We are both surprised and saddened that one of the companies involved in ratifying the VL-Bus standard would take such an action , ’ said Association chairman Scott Vouri ; the patent appears to claim rights to a computer system receptive to a board that plugs into both a system input-output bus and a high speed expansion memory bus ; Dell has been a member for over a year , having joined the club in February 1992 , and voted to approve the standard ; the group also says that like all the other members , Dell signed a statement indicating no knowledge of any conflicts with its patents .
35 The Dungarvan Leader once commended a candidate " with a record of achievement " in these revealing terms : " He has consistently fought in the Waterford County Council ( of which body he has been a member for many years ) for amenities for the town , and it was thanks to his representations that the long-suffering residents of the old road had a footpath provided in front of their homes to prevent flooding .
36 I regularly attend the AGM of the European Environmental Bureau , which my organisation , the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales , has been a member for over 10 years .
37 The visit of the Morris Men was arranged with the help of BNFL safety auditor David Pratt , of Risley , who has been a member for the past two years .
38 Anne Hayward has been a member for 15 years and re-reads the Lord of the Rings annually in three or four days .
39 Mrs Murchie , 48 , who has been a member for nine years , believes everyone needs some kind of first aid training .
40 A feature of recent government policy has been a quest for new ways of managing and financing housing .
41 In this way the programme has been a catalyst for change in the various local communities , bringing about personal development and the widening of skills at family and community level , both for Community Mothers and the parents they visit .
42 I write in response to Katy Deepwell 's essay , ‘ Time Ladies ’ , ( May/June 1992 ) which I felt was too negative for the situation as I see it : Feminism has been a catalyst for analytical practice .
43 He was fascinated by the corset which gave her a youthful figure and set about reproducing it.In 1968 , they invented the Wonderbra which has been a best-seller for more than 20 years .
44 There has been a trend for the clinical diagnosis of pyloric stenosis to be preceded by an imaging study : during 1974–7 only 25 ( 12% ) infants were imaged before a mass was palpated compared with 57 ( 31% ) during 1988–91 .
45 However , in the past few years , there has been a trend for the BEd degree courses to be regarded as the main vehicle for training primary school teachers , with would-be secondary school teachers undertaking the one-year Post-Graduate Certificate in Education course , which is also offered in a substantial number of public sector colleges .
46 There were still many family units left although in the last two decades there has been a tendency for farm sizes to increase .
47 Because of the difficulties in communication , there has been a tendency for the intellectual abilities of people suffering from cerebral palsy to be underestimated , but this is now generally not the case .
48 The interpretation of the requirement in practice has varied and there has been a tendency for some companies to understate rather than emphasise the significance of what they have done .
49 There has been a tendency for newspapers to represent both existing political parties and emergent ones .
50 There has been a tendency for international inter-governmental organizations to lean too exclusively on the expertise of scholars in the preparation of instruments of unification and to obtain inadequate input from organizations of business men engaged in the particular field under consideration .
51 So throughout the evolution of the flowering plant , there has been a tendency for particular flowers and particular insects to develop together , each catering specifically for the other 's requirements and tastes .
52 There is some evidence that committee members feel themselves less fettered by party ties in committee than on the floor of the House although there has been a tendency for party loyalty to reassert itself if the report is debated .
53 Next , the implication that full employment could be achieved by budget deficits encouraged the separation of decisions to spend from decisions to tax , and there has been a tendency for the former to grow faster than the latter .
54 There has been a tendency for the proportion of non-civil servants in the membership to be reduced .
55 In postwar years there has been a tendency for MPs to be even more middle-class than they were hitherto .
56 Images have always crowded Bevan Davies ' mind and in an effort to capture them he has been a photographer for many years .
57 The British pride themselves on having developed a system of government that has been a model for the rest of the world .
58 The way in which our hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) has conducted himself has been a model for all of us to follow , though we hope and pray that most of us will not have to undergo that sort of ordeal .
59 The biggest electoral upset came in Dungannon , where Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis lost his seat and Sinn Fein grabbed two extra seats on the council , which has been a model for co-operation between the two traditions .
60 The biggest upset was in Dungannon where Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis lost his seat and Sinn Fein grabbed two extra seats on the council which has been a model for co-operation between the two traditions .
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