Example sentences of "has [been] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There has been no tipping here for many years , and already the bank seems to be slowly settling back into the earth from which it came .
2 As has been frequently pointed out , it is no use providing excellent beer or food if the pub in question has lost all of its charm and atmosphere ; and surely a multi-roomed pub , with a number of differing environments , is the best way to serve what is after all always a very diverse and unstandardised community .
3 The Bill introduces fundamental reforms to further and higher education in Scotland and has been widely welcomed there .
4 Here , the only water is from artesian wells , now contaminated by the industrial effluent and the huge garbage-dump , where the rubbish from Nova Iguacu has been partly ploughed back into the disturbed hillside .
5 A cable car takes you from nearby Ehrwald to the Zugspitzkamm station at 9,203 feet which has been partly blasted out of the rock .
6 SINCE Raymond Fletcher and David Howes joined forces nine volumes ago the game has been well served statistically by the Rothmans Rugby League Yearbook , and the standard remains impressively high .
7 The highly successful relocation of the BLS has been well documented elsewhere and construction of their new museum around the former goods shed is steadily proceeding with the steel framework erected and the concrete floor and pit being prepared .
8 The recently launched G M B , T and G information pack on the acquired rights directive has been well received all over the country and a revised pack is available here at Congress today , giving negotiators and stewards the latest information and arguments to use to protect members ' jobs and conditions .
9 I choose this example because it has been well worked through in a paper by Betty Lou Dubois in Language and Society ( 1987 ) .
10 In fact , I have inherited a structure that has been well thought out .
11 She comments , ‘ I doubt if my working life has been well organised enough to call it a career , but running various businesses has been very satisfying ’ .
12 Timber has been well used here in a number of different ways .
13 They receive a child who has been badly let down in the past , who has to learn , painfully , how to care and trust again .
14 The trend there has been simply to pay off debt at a faster rate .
15 The demarcation itself can be finally ratified by the president after the land has been physically staked out , a large and time-consuming task for which the Brazilian congress has been asked to provide some 42 million .
16 Historically isolated from the Spanish-speaking central and western areas , the area has been physically cut off and economically little developed .
17 Accusing the media of ‘ confusing the issue ’ he said : ‘ The matter has been completely cleared up .
18 The roadbridge survives today , but the cutting has been completely filled in and no trace remains of the station .
19 There has been no point in British history at which the prevailing method of government has been completely swept away , allowing those in power to sit down and create from first principles a new and clearly delineated form of government .
20 At least one crop of winter beans has been completely wiped out by chocolate spot , ADAS confirms .
21 " There are some places in the Adriatic where marine life at the sea bottom has been completely wiped out " , says Civilis. * Ecologists gathered in Nice have called for the creation of an " international reserve of the western Mediterranean " , aimed in particular at protecting marine life from over-fishing , notably by the use of driftnets .
22 If the job description has been properly constructed there should not be an excessive number of applicants so that the next stage of a paper sift is also economical .
23 She suggests that there are two elements of the job — the educational and the service — and that neither has been properly thought out .
24 If the will has been properly drawn up , the dog 's legacy will be administered by an independent trustee .
25 Memory is needed in many natural situations , but has been most studied psychologically .
26 ‘ Mrs Benson has been here waiting very patiently , ’ she said , and , after apologising to her client , Sophie set to work .
27 This has been particularly remarked on in government contracts and has led to pressure to move towards fixed-price contracts .
28 Moreover , just at the time when the tape medium is losing its prime hold on the marketplace , the manufacturing technology has been vastly improved so that the best cassettes can now give aural satisfaction , even on the most demanding domestic equipment .
29 Those wanting to spot the more unusual wild flower would appreciate the Autumn Gentian which like the Chiltern Gentian has been successsfully cultivated here .
30 Until the final scenes Bolam 's Macbeth is a placid , middle-management man who may reckon he has been unfairly passed over for promotion .
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