Example sentences of "has [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Allott , also 35 , was recalled from holiday in Wales to discover his fate , but it could hardly have been a surprise as he has not regularly figured in Lancashire 's games this season .
2 A younger man , I think — younger than Summerchild himself ; there is a firmness behind Summerchild 's deference which suggests that he is addressing someone not too senior — certainly one who has not yet served in the world of Royal Commissions and advisory units .
3 ‘ We shall have to conduct parliamentary debates in a style the Communist Party has not yet seen in its entire history , ’ Mr Modrow said .
4 And if it seemed surprising to reflect that the supremely versatile Hampshire trainer has not yet struck in our Classic races , it was even more incredible to learn from the man himself that Dead Certain 's victory in the richest two-year-olds race ever run in this country was his first success in a group one event .
5 But notice that stress , as described at the beginning of this chapter , has not yet appeared in the equation .
6 One is that Mr Lawson has not yet succeeded in getting a handle on domestic demand , and the signs of success this summer were misleading .
7 Worried by the reforms made by his predecessor Lionel Jospin , those directly affected fear any tendency towards publicity seeking by a ‘ Minister of Cultural Education ’ who , it seems , has not yet succeeded in shaking off his image as a lightweight .
8 Further , although this hypothesis has not yet resulted in an account incorporating consciousness , it has been remarkably successful in explaining many other mental phenomena which earlier generations saw as necessarily mysterious and as evidence for some kind of duality .
9 Such ‘ a profound confrontation ’ has not yet occurred in Britain , perhaps in part because issues of cost and economics have been more easily concealed within a universal health care service such as the National Health Service , than they are within more market-driven systems .
10 He hopes know-how in other hightech fields will help Daimler build better vehicles — a theory which British Aerospace has not yet proved in its acquisition of the Rover Group , another carmaker .
11 Cadman , whose company is backed by overseas investors and a bank of ‘ international repute ’ , claims that money has not yet figured in the talks and declines to discuss the size of the FTC bid .
12 Much more important is the fact that Mr Constantin Oancea , the man who dealt with Hungarian relations at the Romanian foreign ministry in Ceausescu 's time , has not only remained in post but appears to have been promoted .
13 He has not only remained in his job as a chemical engineer but has also been promoted twice and is now principal chemical engineer with Ciba , in Paisley .
14 It has not only failed in this , it has opened up a potential new division between private practice and employed lawyers .
15 Although the number of marketmakers has not substantially changed in the 3 years since the Big Bang the membership has .
16 Despite multiple clinical trials survival from colorectal carcinomas after optimal surgical removal of the primary tumour has not significantly improved in the past 40 years .
17 ‘ The recent change from Madam to Madame , ’ she said , ‘ though it has doubtless raised the tone and general tenor of proceedings in this low and benighted place , has not quite succeeded in erasing the traces of squalor and indeed sleaze which cling to that title in the popular or gutter imagination whenever it is applied to a hard-working woman .
18 There is no bitterness from her concerning the fact that Monica Seles has taken over her number one ranking , only disappointment that the young Yugoslav has not always acted in the true interests of the game since .
19 Thirty-seven-year-old Roseanne admitted : ‘ It still has n't all sunk in yet but it 's a great feeling .
20 I suppose it has n't really sunk in yet .
21 O'Neill said : ‘ It 's bloody awful for everyone associated with the horse and it has n't really sunk in yet .
22 ‘ But it has n't really sunk in yet and I guess it will take a couple of days .
23 ‘ It has n't really sunk in yet .
24 It still has n't really sunk in yet .
25 David , who played odious Cabinet minister Leslie Titmuss in Paradise Postponed , said : ‘ It has n't really sunk in yet .
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