Example sentences of "has [to-vb] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every time he has to wait for a question , he claims victory .
2 Each call sent out by a client has to wait for a response before another is sent .
3 Each call sent out by a client has to wait for a response before another is sent .
4 What happens if Well , oh sa , pwurgh , I do n't know , I mean she has to wait for a week .
5 In May 1991 , after 30 years of bitter civil war , Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia , but has to wait for the referendum officially to declare itself an independent state .
6 In May 1991 , after 30 years of bitter civil war , Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia , but has to wait for the referendum officially to declare itself an independent state .
7 In Women and Psychology ( Williams 1979 ) , for instance , Ladner 's paper ‘ Growing up Black ’ , which describes the specific experiences of growing up in US cities in the 1960s , has to stand for the effects of both ‘ race ’ and class on gender .
8 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
9 This has to last for the rest of our lives . "
10 The teacher playing the Pied Piper , with whom the class has to negotiate for the release of the children .
11 In the first case , with a dependent text , one has to allow for the exercise of schematic knowledge which will to some degree lead to the bypassing of language and the avoidance of inference .
12 Then a lightning stab is made , in which the bird has to allow for the refraction of the water surface .
13 To be effective for tax purposes a Deed of Covenant has to turn for a period capable to exceeding three years .
14 Parker , of course has to argue for the mainframe 's continued existence , but he does so persuasively with a blizzard of points seeking to prove that a ) the mainframe market is n't really in decline and b ) the mainframe will be able to evolve successfully into an indispensable network superserver .
15 It is true that it must be able to check the excesses of even the ruling class ; but Poulantzas also has to account for the tendency of capitalist states to favour capitalist interests .
16 This is the price that an investor has to pay for the possibility that the share price may change to make the option in-the-money .
17 There may be some discontinuity in policy occasioned by governments of different political persuasions pursuing different paths , but that is the price — an acceptable price — one has to pay for the advantages offered by the existing system .
18 Although the Library has to pay for the discs , no further costs are involved in searching .
19 Dr Mowlam said Jeffrey 's asthma and eczema were getting worse as a result of the stress and worry about the money he has to pay for the medication .
20 Applications are usually expensive , often costing several hundred pounds ; after all , someone has to pay for the advertising and the glossy box .
21 And he concludes , ‘ of all the warnings that the inner city has to offer for the direction British society is taking , this is perhaps the most sinister ’ .
22 16 year old Mark Cross and 17 year old Paul Eversham are being brought into the side to show off the talent Hereford has to offer for the future .
23 Homoeopathy has therefore become a postgraduate study and has to rely for the recruitment of its practitioners on those members of the medical , dental , veterinary and pharmaceutical professions who are open-minded enough to try new approaches .
24 Alongside these developments the plan also has to cater for the projection of a school image which is honest and intelligible and for making and fulfilling promises about quality .
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