Example sentences of "has [vb pp] that [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
2 Everyone has heard that there is a big buzz going around about one band or another , but what does that mean ?
3 By now everyone has heard that there is a ‘ crisis ’ in English .
4 AIDS causing the death of the young has highlighted that it is not only the elderly who wish to make provision against an artificially prolonged end .
5 The British petroleum industry has claimed that it is uneconomic to produce 97 octane lead-free fuel .
6 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
7 Ignoring the tenure could leave Edinburgh open to a costly legal challenge , although it has stressed that it is consulting unions .
8 * The animal rights group , Lynx , has reported that it is on the verge of financial collapse because of the costs of defending a long-running libel action by a fur farm and a decline in contributions due to the recession in Britain .
9 The World Health Organisation has recommended that there is no ethical or public health basis for mass testing .
10 WHO has recommended that there is no ethical or public health basis for mass testing , a view endorsed by most countries .
11 The university enjoys a location which historically has ensured that it is an important part of the fabric of the city of Edinburgh and thus placed in Scotland 's capital that it remains an important symbol for the nation 's egalitarian spirit , its diverse cultural identity and true internationalism .
12 But the watcher on the promenade has seen that something is wrong .
13 They are almost 20 years old and should have been replaced , but the company has accepted that it is unlikely to get government approval for new ferries until the bridge controversy has been resolved .
14 Luce Irigaray , for instance , has argued that it is totally reductive to define the feminine as the not-masculine in relation , say , to sexuality .
15 This chapter has argued that it is not only national population size , composition and behaviour that matter but also their changing patterns across regional and urban systems .
16 In the context of geomorphology Clayton ( 1971 ) , himself a geographer progressed to environmental sciences at the University of East Anglia , has argued that it is difficult to achieve a balanced development across the two subjects of geography and geology that it depends upon , and Worsley ( 1979 ) particularly concerned for the diminishing resources available and the imminent policy of selective resource concentration argued :
17 Benson has argued that it is artificial to abstract the different and competing interests which are found within organizations from the wider social world of conflict and dominance .
18 Regan has argued that there is an even more fundamental quality to be added to the variability , ambiguity , confusion and complexity outlined above , namely reciprocity .
19 The Prime Minister has said that she is ‘ determined to encourage cable systems ’ .
20 Commenting cautiously on the present situation for the newspaper Kultura , the Chairman of the Archaeo-Geographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Academician Sigurd Schmidt , has said that he is convinced that a library belonging to the Muscovite sovereigns does in fact exist , and that , wherever it may be located , it will be possible to find at least fragments of what is left .
21 May we take it from what he has said that he is saying definitely that he would be prepared at Maastricht to make an irrevocable commitment to a single currency ?
22 Although he has said that he is not in favour of that , he would nevertheless still keep them if that was NATO 's decision .
23 The Minister of Agriculture has said that he is not going to have land set-aside in Britain so that the rest of Europe can produce more' .
24 He has said that he is in agreement , but with some reservations , about the keeping of custody records and access to a solicitor of the applicant 's choice .
25 Yes , er I 'm very worried about this aspect of er whose finger er on the nuclear trigger , because the nuclear referee in the Soviet Union is divided between mainly peace states , Russia , Ukraine and , now Boris Yeltsin has said that he is going to protect his Russian minorities in Ukraine and , now I fear that if that comes to some kind of a conflict then it 'll be very uncertain as to what arrangement could be made about er , honouring international agreement and about ultimately too er , any kind of nuclear er congregation .
26 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has said that it is impossible to itemise every circumstance that amounts to a breach of natural justice , while making it clear that , for example , a manager should not normally act both as ‘ witness and judge ’ in the procedure leading to a decision to dismiss .
27 The European Commission has said that it is prepared to apply sanctions against non-Community countries that discriminate against EC banks , securities firms and insurance companies .
28 British Rail management has said that it is time to start thinking about the passengers — ‘ customer-orientation ’ — but does not seem to have any other ideas for improvement .
29 I 'd like to I 'd like to thank the panel for the work which they have done on this very difficult issue and , although the convenor has said that it is perhaps a difficult thing to alter the text of such a document on the floor of the house , I think we also have to point out that this is our only opportunity to comment upon this particular draft which will become a definitive draft if passed by the general assembly today .
30 The hon. Gentleman has said that it is in the process of acquiring two incredibly beautiful works and the point is that it is acquiring them even though they cost much more than the nominal amount of Government grant available .
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