Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [coord] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But now Ellen the time I have long awaited has come and I write to tell you that an Italian maidservant by name of Gigia who is travelling home to Florence having been in Scotland with a family who are friends of the Brownings is to come to you to collect Oreste and take him to Liverpool where she will be joined by Mr Ogilvy and from whence they will sail for Italy .
2 ‘ But since then our League form has slumped and we appear to be suffering a confidence problem ’ .
3 So I I think time has moved on , th the pressure from erm the economic pressure and the right wing pressure has grown and i think we 're now doing the right thing .
4 Or he has written and I have not received it .
5 I ca n't say I approve of what he has done but I do n't ask him and I do n't want to know the details . ’
6 So as a small token of appreciation , I just have two books or two copies of the same book which I would like to hand to your president and to your general secretary as a token of appreciation and it 's the authorized biography of Nelson Mandela of whom we are all very proud , considering what he has suffered through and what he has done and we hope that this little token will be a kind of memento for all your support but by doing this I 'm not saying that your support is over because the struggle continues .
7 I think if we go through and have a look at these other ones that Jenny has done and you make a decision at that point as to whether .
8 But , erm all that time I was running the young wives ' and we used to hold a stall in the garden , at the garden party at the church , and w when you took your takings in , you know th the treasurer would say you know , who are you , you know and I used to say young wives ' and then one day I said well , you know we 're no longer young wives , you know we were getting old and I decided there and then I 'd had enough of young wives ' , you know and er , er because I , I said , I , I was secretary and I 'll close it down it , it erm the young wives ' closed down and er er it , it had actually closed down and this lady was marvellous this secretary of the Guild , who would kno known mother and she was a councillor , she come dashing down , you know you , you , th the young wives ' has closed and you know you 've got excuse .
9 Hibernia is a complex , challenging and difficult contract , and I am delighted that it has restarted and we look forward to making a significant contribution to this major international project .
10 So I , I was very moved to find that this has arrived and I do n't think it 's romantic nonsense , I think it is related to the business of getting people together locally .
11 When I awake , the sickness has gone , but the high has remained and I feel fitter than I have done in the whole of our visit .
12 ‘ Nobody told us , the noise has increased and we 've lost some much needed greenery not to mention wildlife , ’ said Mrs Ford .
13 Work load has increased and you 've found it difficult to say ‘ no ’ , or to delegate … .
14 Right O K yeah that 's the other major erm feature is that agriculture 's share of world trade has declined and manufacturing er share of world trade has increased and I 've got some er some numbers here erm so it says before the first world war agriculture 's share of world trade was over fifty percent , today it is less than fourteen percent okay , so agriculture 's share in world trade is declining and has been declining er essentially over the the last sort of seventy years or so .
15 I mean you 've now had twelve annual statements , a piece of the policy has gone but you 've never
16 When she returns to Pierre and Claire , they are unwilling to believe what she claims has happened but they drive with her back to the field and Maria finds the opening in the wheat where he is lying .
17 And if you do n't feel that you can fit in a pupil comment , you have to be very careful here because some people will take it as a cop-out and not do it and a that worries me and it has happened and I think it is important that the youngsters are actually given some guidance and the opportunity to do it .
18 Well , Thing , imagine all that has happened and you 've magically got your wish .
19 We suspect the problem is worse than Mr Gummer has admitted and we question why there was a delay in warning the public . ’
20 Now that the climax of tension has passed and we have exchanged commitments with the American government , it will be very difficult for the Americans to interfere .
21 Well , the deadline has passed and we have 18 teams + the 3 I mentioned .
22 Destiny has fled and I settle for you
23 And so it seems to me that what has got to be proven , and I come back to the point , is that something has changed and we have n't heard anything that has changed er in in that time .
24 Sadly , nothing much has changed and they seem stuck in the same low level ‘ Well , at least we 've got a bit of a student following ’ rut .
25 At times like that you do your initial planning only to find that everything has changed and you have to fly by the seat of your pants .
26 ‘ They think nothing has changed and I do n't blame them . ’
27 Mansell said : ‘ At this moment , nothing has changed and I do n't see it changing .
28 My life has changed and I live around the horses and would n't change it for the world now .
29 My taste in food has changed and I love the feeling of lightness I have now .
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