Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Money market activity has developed very rapidly in London in the last thirty years , partly due to the growth of the financial sector in general , but also because of the increasing demand for sophisticated financial services by clients both in the UK and abroad .
2 The main problem in windsurfing is that it has developed so rapidly in the last ten years that boards only a few years old are very out of date and lack the features mentioned earlier .
3 phenomena which have only arisen in the period of advanced capitalism in which the state has intervened directly both in the organization of production and in consumption .
4 He concluded that commentary has conformed very closely to the Committee 's preference for a style that is appropriate and complementary to Commons proceedings .
5 It also has a multi-million pound contract to supply British Coal with up to 90,000 tonnes of domestic coal , but production problems have meant the consortium has fallen well behind with those orders .
6 The burden of this increasing sense of isolation has fallen particularly heavily upon those members of the rural population who lack the means of personal mobility to maintain a more dispersed network of social contacts .
7 In other words , unemployment has fallen most sharply in those areas where it was least severe .
8 In this connection , it should be noted that the proportion of elderly people in paid work has fallen very sharply since 1971 .
9 French retail sales fell by 3.6% in the year to November , while business confidence has fallen more sharply in the past two quarters than at any time in the 1980s .
10 This , conveniently , is at a time when sterling has fallen far enough against the Deutschemark to make it potentially competitive within ERM .
11 Drilling activity has fallen almost four-fold from its peak in 1981 .
12 It has fallen too often into a dull middle ground .
13 In these circumstances the Soviet Union has pressed more recently for a more limited regime for the Gulf involving restrictions on the naval presence of the Great Powers in the region .
14 In Britain denominational planning has depended too exclusively on the ‘ geographical map ’ .
15 Our body clock has adjusted readily enough to the delay in our life-style at the weekend ( remember that the free-running period is more than 24 hours ) , but is less easily advanced , as is required , on Sunday night and Monday morning ( see Chapter 2 ) .
16 In the past it has been said AMV 's TV has never matched its press work ; that it has been insular and unadventurous from a strategic corporate point of view ; and that it has relied too heavily on its self-referential ability to sell middle-class brands .
17 The balance has tipped too far in the other direction : instead of ignoring her sexuality , Christabel is now dominated by it , and so the creative process by which she should have been psychologically fulfilled has not worked .
18 ‘ He has responded very well to chemotherapy so the question of radiotherapy has not risen again .
19 Nobody has responded more positively to Newcastle United 's desperate plight than the striker who drew blanks on the big stage with West Ham and huffed-and-puffed little more than powder puff stuff at Leicester .
20 What about the situation in which , on the one hand , many households have no contact with wage labour and are wholly dependent for reproduction on state benefits and , on the other , wage labour has penetrated far further into other households because of the importance of female employment ?
21 The practice and provision has varied very widely across the country .
22 This brief discussion of land tenure , occupancy and inheritance systems has illustrated the general argument that how people have collectively organized their survival and reproduction has varied very substantially over space and time .
23 Yet if we assume , as we are perfectly entitled to do for the sake of argument , that life has originated only once in the universe , it follows that we are allowed to postulate a very large amount of luck in a theory , because there are so many planets in the universe where life could have originated .
24 McGeechan regrets that the home unions committee has adhered so rigidly to the terms of its acceptance of the invitation 12 months ago .
25 Why should we assume the so-called contented majority has come even close to fulfilling its aspirations ?
26 Roosevelt , at the beginning of the 1930s and at the height of World War II , may have briefly approached such a position of pre-eminence , but none of his successors has come even close to such a situation .
27 Our best profit growth has come yet again in Retail , where Peter and his team have built the portfolio up in true recession-beating style and generated good profit growth whilst servicing a thoroughly depressed High Street .
28 The first test of Bill Clinton 's credibility has come horribly early in his administration .
29 The volume may be judged by an anecdote of a teacher in Massachusetts , a comparatively liberal state , which has come only lately to such activity and to a degree which would be surpassed by many other states .
30 Sociology has come very late to the university , compared with the other social sciences , and although it has found a base there in a way which the arts or journalism have not , even they have increasingly strong academic connections .
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