Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although the 56-inch diameter pipeline has received great publicity it is , in fact , one of six similar lines being laid along the Urengoy ‘ energy corridor ’ , totalling 20,000km in length .
2 In the years since 1945 , Japan , unlike many other industrial nations , has received few immigrants whose presence might modify this sense of ‘ being Japanese ’ .
3 The common law has developed two rules which prescribe the nature of that duty : 1 .
4 Our Western culture , so heavily influenced by Enlightenment thinking , values and attitudes , has banished any vocabulary which enables us seriously to reckon with the ‘ dark powers ’ .
5 So , normally the boiler will malfunction on the D6 roll of a 6 , but if the Steam Tank has sustained 1 wound it will malfunction on a 5 or 6 , if it has 2 wounds it goes wrong on a 4 , 5 or 6 and so on .
6 The Bureau has undertaken several studies which have combined systematic econometric testing with economic analysis of particular equations or sectors of the models , and has been able to reconcile and resolve many of the differences in treatment between the models , in turn translating this resolution into its impact on full model properties .
7 There is a moderate level of minerals which has given this water its therapeutic reputation since Roman times .
8 Their collapse from top to near bottom has given grim satisfaction their army of ill-wishers in the rest of Welsh rugby , but really the seeds of the Welsh All Blacks ' failure were seen when they were becoming champions .
9 In these and other ways the state has favoured those companies who have displayed very high rates of investment , and this almost by definition excludes most small firms .
10 Selection has favoured those organisms which have scientific , learning , rule-obeying capacities all of which contribute towards the development and maintenance of advanced societies .
11 We use the word " mimicry " for these cases , not because we think that the animals consciously imitate other things , but because natural selection has favoured those individuals whose bodies were mistaken for other things .
12 As proof of its usefulness , the trap has caught many species which have never been observed in the garden .
13 Whatever the merits of these arguments , there can be little doubt that for much of its existence the LDDC has not sought out partnership arrangements with elected local bodies — it has pursued market-led strategies whose impact on local communities has proved far from advantageous ; it has largely ignored local planning procedures ; and there has been little public accountability of its Policies and spending .
14 ‘ It 's the first time anyone from the Northern region has won this competition which makes it even more special , ’ he said .
15 Kiki Smith , known for her often shocking figurative papier-mâché works , has selected four artists who also work with paper for a show on until 15 August at Fawbush .
16 It has built empty factories which it lets out free of rent for up to five years .
17 ‘ It 's a pity that Stephen has met this girl who seems to want his every free minute or he 'd be company for you . ’
18 A POTENTIAL bidder for part of a privatised British Rail has named two lines which could close to ‘ rationalise services and reduce costs ’ .
19 A writer who was ordered to pay two and a half million pounds in libel damages and costs , has uncovered new material which he claims casts doubt over the judgement .
20 The growth of large corporations and banks with international involvements has expanded commercial activity which requires clerks and salespeople .
21 Oh that copper , he said he , he said the thing is he said what you 've got ta do is give him as much shit and aggravation as you can possibly give him , keep him hot and keep him roasted up he said because what happens is he 's getting along , long and he 's thinking oh I can do this and I can do that and I can do the other , he said but if you can get your solicitor to keep him on his toes he ai n't got time to think about nothing , he said and if he has done that job himself , he 's laughing at the moment , I said well he must have done it
22 But if the master has made him a bailee of them so as to vest him with exclusive possession , then , like any other bailee of this sort , he has it ; so , too , if goods are delivered to him to hand to his master , he has possession of them until he has done some act which transfers it to his master , e.g .
23 The buyer of the contract has made 100 profit which he receives from the seller of the contract .
24 Thirty five today , there would be no better birthday present than the sort of start he has made each time he won here — a 66 in 1980 and a 68 in 1983 .
25 Fairly recently Marsh has shown that glass which is quite free from cracks does in fact fail in this manner by flowing , and that when this happens around room temperature , the stresses are usually upwards of 500,000 p.s.i .
26 ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ has produced certain children who may begin to lead normal lives there are a high percentage of children to whom this technique is not available or suitable and this is why in my mind continuation of ‘ total communication ’ should be preferable .
27 As a further contribution to the debate the RCN has produced this document which provides broad lines of guidance which could be of assistance to nurse managers .
28 The hotel leaflet ends a few paragraphs on : ‘ The Newton has had many celebrities who have stayed with us over the years , including the late Harold Macmillan and Charlie Chaplin … ’
29 He has had some revelations which he wants to pass on to me .
30 Our concern is rather to break away from the stale confrontation of reason and spontaneity which has persisted since the Romantic Movement , to invite the man of reason to admit that he never has had any ends which did not spring from his own spontaneity , and the intuitive and impulsive that no insight that flashes from theirs can be acknowledged as objective truth until it survives the ruthless justice of reason .
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