Example sentences of "has [adv] [been] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 You have the score in your mind — you once said you do n't need a tape or a score to oversee in your mind the whole of Tristan — and this has obviously been true of other great conductors .
2 In the past , the NHS has perhaps been guilty of seeing structures and organisational change as the outcome measures of new initiatives .
3 She 's the glow that keeps together our family life my business life at the same time has always been supportive of my involvement in Round Table .
4 The halo effect which surrounds the Wandjina 's head has always been symbolic of ‘ enlightenment ’ and ‘ initiation ’ .
5 Bray has always been proud of its association with Dargan and the weekend seminar which has been organised by the Council is an attempt to honour this great man and it is hoped that it will become an annual event .
6 Mikhail Budyko , the most revered figure of Soviet climatology , has never been noted as a cold war warrior , but he has always been aware of the limitations imposed on the Soviet Union by its climate .
7 He has always been aware of his spiritual nature : ‘ When I was seven I was visited by 40 judged — beings of light — who spoke to me about my role here .
8 The nation has always been aware of its pre-eminent position , and proud of a moral ascendancy in the political sphere which has been sustained for centuries .
9 Penny believes that Diana has always been aware of her own destiny .
10 The Academy has always been suspicious of comedians , from Charlie Chaplin ( three nominations , no Oscars ) and Danny Kaye ( no nominations ) to Robin Williams ( two recent no-hope nominations , for Good Morning , Vietnam and Dead Poets Society ) .
11 What has always been true of secondary schools is now becoming true of primary schools also , and one of the main vehicles for that change is the Education Reform Act .
12 In achieving this remarkable success , Roddick has always been scornful of traditional business credos .
13 Its formidable bulk means that you are unlikely to want to carry it about with you if you can avoid it , but that has probably been true of most audit manuals for some time now .
14 That has certainly been true of banks since the Basle capital standards were set in 1988 .
15 Despite its reputation for fine engineering , Rolls-Royce has never been shy of using outside technology and components , inevitable now for a company of its small size .
16 Buckley says she has never been aware of a problem of discrimination in the company , at least in a corporate sense , ‘ but I think a lot of men found it a problem ’ .
17 Hoyle , Still active today , has never been scared of iconoclasm .
18 He said he felt no pain , apart from injections which he has never been fond of , and when he came round from the operation the first thing he asked for was the Ipswich football scores and a drink .
19 Ray French does not possess Moorhouse 's gifts as a writer , but he has never been short of constructive opinion , good ideas or a sense of humour , qualities readily apparent in More Kinds of Rugby .
20 Yet though disco has never been short of ‘ Push push in the bush ’ and ‘ Ring My Bell ’ sentiments , voices of doom , correction , ‘ positive ’ lifestyle and spiritual inspiration have always reacted as counter-insurgents to disco 's erotic , dervish thrust .
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