Example sentences of "has [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the personnel function in these firms often has amazing power as it manages each individual 's assessment .
2 The robot has tremendous accuracy and it could be a great help in the future . ’
3 The agency has corporate personality and it works under the supervision of parliament .
4 " Five Waters " makes a subtle and indirect comment on the nuclear influence in the Pacific Ocean , and has especial resonance because it is the work of a New Zealand artist .
5 VP : a statement has empirical meaning iff its truth would make a difference to the evidence of our senses , which , since a statement is verifiable , on this approach , iff its truth would make a difference to the evidence of our senses , is equivalent to : VP 1 : a statement has empirical meaning iff it is verifiable .
6 The church has enormous power when it comes to education .
7 Parreira , Gilmar , Calazans and many others maintain the championship has enormous potential if it was to run all year with matches just on Sundays , as in Italy .
8 The fact that this may take centuries is of little importance , for mankind has limitless time if it uses it wisely .
9 Second , takeover raids typically bid up the share price significantly , so again the incumbent management has considerable leeway before it is likely to get into trouble and be out of a job .
10 The Sinhalese wedding case also has general value because it provides an exceptionally clear example of the three-phase structure of rites of passage first recognized by Hertz and Van Gennep around 1908 but which has subsequently been shown to apply to all kinds of social rituals .
11 The pencil thus has particular simplicity as it stands .
12 This critique has wide applicability but it is convenient to discuss it here .
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