Example sentences of "has [prep] be [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 Severe urgency was defined as an urgent need to defecate which has to be relieved in less than one minute to avoid incontinence .
2 One has to be ever-vigilant in feeding what I believe are now referred to as ‘ multicultural ’ gatherings . ’
3 The carer has to be involved in this process , so that every time the patient washes his face , hands or body , you help and remind him to do so correctly , without increasing his spasticity or putting himself into danger through careless movements .
4 Therefore , it is the Government 's duty to explain why Britain has to be involved in the process of economic and political union which will be launched at Maastricht .
5 What element has to be present in haemoglobin ?
6 However , one has to be cautious in drawing such general conclusions , since it is also apparent that it became a practice in the early period ( c. 3000 BC ) to depict animals in human positions .
7 The counsellor has to be realistic in balancing the potential value of change against the personal costs that change might incur .
8 Khat has to be fresh in order to work , so the shop gets a delivery every day .
9 ‘ Everything around playing has to be organised very carefully and he has to be mature in choosing the right time to play off the court .
10 The Church has to be active in the public educational process and concerned with the view of humankind which stimulates a national policy for education .
11 Classes are big in Italian Universities , attendance often erratic , and successful course material has to be transparent in its aims and approach .
12 It has to be transparent in order that the background , or other characters which pass behind , can be seen through it .
13 In ways such as this one has to be careful in using coin evidence , but , allowing for these and similar qualifications , it can still be extremely useful .
14 Of course , one has to be careful in this context to recognise that many of the infractions I 'm referring to are not necessarily offences AGAINST others — but represent errors of performance , imperfections which reflect badly on the offender — so that one undertakes remedial work , NOT for the purpose of making amends but to re-draw the picture of oneself so that it corresponds more closely to the one which one would like to project to the world at large .
15 ‘ If a firm is interested in Rhone-Alpes , then it has to be interested in the region intrinsically . ’
16 The former assumption says that language behaviour in the classroom has to be natural so as to conform to the naturalness of language use : the latter assumption says that classroom behaviour has to be natural in conformity with natural processes of language learning .
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