Example sentences of "has [prep] be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Analysis of any construction of meaning from which social practice is derived has to be part of the participant ethnographer 's cognitive processes , replacing the notion of simple observation as the main data-yielding technique .
2 The deep-grained uncompetitiveness of the British economy , most notably its persistent failure to produce a sufficient supply of needed skills , has to be part of the explanation of such a trade imbalance .
3 For this freedom to be effective , of course , drawing has to be part of the school 's ( or at least the class 's ) tradition .
4 Everyone recognises that the banning of tobacco advertising does not achieve all those ends on its own — that it has to be part of wider strategy .
5 Oh , yes , well that 's part of the issue as well and it has to be part of the strategy
6 If it 's to work it has to be part of a general strategy for traffic in an area not on one street at a time .
7 In the public sector there has to be accountability to the public or the client .
8 Continuity and progression have to be built in to the programme and there has to be scope for differentiation and extension .
9 In most cases , at least in the early stages , the patient needs help when transferring onto a commode or toilet , so there also has to be space for the carer .
10 there has to be space for these people though somehow I always feel that they cream it all the same .
11 An application for a permanent transfer is an application under Part II of the Act , and it follows that there has to be compliance with the relevant provisions on the part of an applicant making such an application and the licensing board in considering it .
12 Has to be Asda for French visitor
13 So I think any future in and negotiations with the er , there has to be provision for social housing .
14 Before that can happen there has to be peace in Afghanistan , and that prospect looks as remote as the end to the drug traffic .
15 There has to be unity between black and white and we have to face this together . ’
16 ‘ My first aim has to be success with Llanelli but now that I 've accepted this position I 'm going to be totally committed to developing Welsh rugby ’ .
17 That said his fitness has to be 100% for Wilko to play him at all , and he clearly is liable to get himself sent off .
18 There has to be unhappiness in the status quo that it can complain about — football chants are probably about the closest you can get now , because there 's nothing left to complain about nowadays .
19 Well the theory is that you do n't , in metal type if you have a line of caps you ca n't just jamb another line right under the baseline because there has to be room for the ascenders , descenders .
20 So it has to be sort of like written in comprehensive ?
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