Example sentences of "has [be] [adj] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although its standard Informix SE relational database engine has been available on DOS since 1984 , Informix Corp appears to have made little impact on the lower end of the market , concentrating instead on its core Unix business .
2 This type of index is used in the Indexed Sequential Access Method ( ISAM ) that has been available on IBM mainframe computer systems since the late sixties , and is now available on some microcomputers .
3 The full code has been available on InterNet for the last two months and was to go on CompuServe last week , according to Dr Dobbs ' editor Jonathan Erickson .
4 At this stage an author who is arguing that the study of social policy in Britain has been strong on criticism and value judgement but weak on analysis should make his own position very clear .
5 For more than a decade there has been an inverse relationship between government policy on public expenditure and that on education ; it has been low on funding and high on educational aspiration and expectation .
6 Swales 's reign at Maine Road has been short on success .
7 This process has been short-circuited on occasions by well-known public figures , but it is inconceivable that a person unknown as a national party figure could , within the space of two or three years , become that party 's leader as Carter did in the United States .
8 It has been wrong on unilateralism and trade union legislation and wrong about the man whom it picked to lead the Labour party .
9 The list has been well-advertised on rss , and anyone can subscribe .
10 The Labour-run Darlington council has been soft on poll tax dodgers , the town 's Conservative candidate said this week .
11 The junior health minister , Tim Yeo , retorted : ‘ Labour always has been soft on crime and always will be soft on crime .
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