Example sentences of "has [be] [adj] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of the economy has been slower to cut investment mainly because the slowdown hit the service sector only in the second half of last year .
2 Growing urban scepticism about the ecological wisdom of intensive farming is often paralleled by a lack of appreciation that it has been essential to meet consumer demand for cheap food .
3 That working-class wages would remain at subsistence level — the fact is that the real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten between 1900–70 in the UK and by a factor of fourteen in the U S over the same period ; that collective ownership of the means of production would result in an increase of wealth for the workers and so improve their lot — the fact is that in both Russia and Cuba it has been necessary to restore discipline in factories by introducing a military routine with the surplus value being siphoned off by the state ; that communist revolutions would start in such advanced industrial countries such as Britain , France , America and Germany — the fact is that a socialist revolution has taken place in none of these countries ; that conflicts between states are the results of capitalism and will cease under communism — the fact is that in the streets of Budapest and Prague , in Afghanistan and on the Soviet-Chinese border we have seen the power of the Red Army being used against fellow communists ; that the income difference between capitalists and workers will rise — the fact is that in all industrial countries the effective after-tax , after-benefits real income gap between rich and poor has diminished ; that capitalism will collapse because of its internal contradictions — the fact is that capitalism has not collapsed in any Western country , yet .
4 Due to this distorted coverage , it has been necessary to choose test data with some care , ensuring that they are adequately covered by the corpus .
5 As can be appreciated the use of these Falcons is stretched to the maximum , and it has been necessary to wet lease fifteen to eighteen aircraft ( DC-3s , Learjets and Beech 18s ) in order to fulfil commitments .
6 He says : ‘ Already , in order to achieve a balanced budget , it has been necessary to freeze recruitment during 1993 of all police officer posts as and when they come vacant .
7 At some exceptional sites it has been necessary to reconstruct part of the site and the finds for display in order that they should be fully understood by visitors .
8 The modern convergence , which the contemporary sociology of culture embodies , is in fact an attempt to rework , from a particular set of interests , those general social and sociological ideas within which it has been possible to see communication , language and art as marginal and peripheral , or as at best secondary and derived social processes .
9 Since the early 1970s , however , it has been possible to collect bile samples at either endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography and a few small series of patients have been reported with good diagnostic yields and no falsely positive results .
10 ’ The magazine Harvard Lampoon , in fact , presented Dustin with The Wilde Oscar : ‘ to that performer who has been willing to flout convention and risk worldly reputation in order to pursue artistic fulfilment ’ .
11 The Bank of England which has less influence than its German counterpart has been reluctant to advise rate cuts over here .
12 Jack Whitehead ( University of Bath ) will open the conference describing how Avon authority has been able to promote teacher-research .
13 William Hammond Bartholomew was the Resident Engineer on this broad canal which was usual in that it has been able to resist competition from the railways .
14 Now , through the Friends of Craigmillar organisation , the school has been able to tap business expertise in the city to help it towards a new future .
15 It is the first time the industry has been able to purchase cover for long-term environmental damage although it does buy insurance against sudden pollution incidents or claims from disasters such as explosions .
16 The work which has , since 1986/87 , been achieved by Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) took its beginnings from a very wide range of agencies : both through its original base at the Community Education Development Centre in Coventry and through its non-governmental funding , it has been able to take account of differing interests and pressures .
17 By selling out when land values hit their peak in 1988 and then buying back at bargain levels later on , canny Pidgely has been able to slash house prices and still make a near-20% average profit per property .
18 She is learning German , working on the biography of a distant relative , a Victorian actor , and has been able to offer help from her long experience of managing a large cottage garden to the wife of the curator of Milton 's cottage at Chalfont St. Giles .
19 As the Party has grown it has been able to achieve representation in local government to the point of having controlling power on some councils , it has had a major voice in the first Assembly , the Convention , and the second Assembly , and it has elected representatives at Westminster and the European Parliament .
20 Over the past 15 years Allied Colloids has been able to achieve compound annual growth rates of over 20pc .
21 In a thunderous rage , she sent rain to the earth to extinguish Maui 's fires ; however , the man managed to hide Mafulke 's two thumbs from the deluge , and ever since , man has been able to make fire by rubbing two squat sticks together .
22 As for Unix , here Cognos has been able to make use of third parties ( it has no direct sales force for Unix products ) but says the going has been tough because of the recession as a PowerHouse Unix sale tends to occur with the new purchase of a Unix box with applications .
23 They were allowed to see it for one hour , before it was taken back , and none of them has been able to get hold of it since .
24 Lang , in fact , has been able to raise culture to a position of preeminence within French politics .
25 Even though it has been able to obtain relief for £16 billion-worth of foreign debt as a result of its participation in the multinational force , it still has £35 billion of remaining debt to contend with and an annual revenue shortfall of around £7 caused by the conflict .
26 One reason the central bank has been able to keep money tight is that the victims of bankruptcy have so far been mainly property- or finance-related companies with few employees .
27 Nursery owner Paul Hutchinson has been able to keep track of Wally 's progress through reports to police from startled motorists who spotted him hopping along roads in the area .
28 However , in both these instances the commercial pressure of the campaigning groups has been enough to effect change .
29 ‘ To a man who has been accustomed to obtain credit from those who have supplied him with goods ’ , wrote Thomas Farrow in The Money-Lender Unmasked ( 1895 ) ,
30 Estimates based on demographic pressures , advances in medical technology and the costs of implementing new government policies ( such as the introduction of new screening programmes ) also have their drawbacks , but they represent a pragmatic way of estimating whether funding has been adequate to keep pace with demand pressures .
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