Example sentences of "has [verb] [that] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 On his voyage , he has realised that sport is more than just a game to Americans , and that sports stars are the heroes of the nation .
2 In the US , he asserts , the government has realised that legislation is not enough and has set up the Computer Expert Resource Team .
3 Italy has realised that mine is a very useful role .
4 In the first place , no-one has claimed that education is the only factor making for economic growth , and vice versa , no-one has argued that education makes no impact whatsoever on economic growth .
5 For some farmers and landowners the major impact of the newcomers has therefore been political rather than social , for their arrival in the village has ensured that landownership is no longer the automatic passport to the political domination of the countryside that it was once considered to be .
6 Dahrendorf , however , has argued that alienation is irrelevant to empirical social science , ‘ since no amount of empirical research can either confirm or refute it ’ .
7 Research has shown that loneliness is an occupational hazard for the modern housewife , who is often cut off not only from community life but from family life — in the wider sense also .
8 Experience has shown that licensing is not generally a satisfactory approach .
9 Previous research has shown that trust is a complex phenomenon and a variety of new measures are needed to capture its complexity .
10 Later research has shown that dreaming is not unique to this phase of sleep , but REM dreams are typically much more colourful and rich in imagery than non-REM dreams .
11 I wonder if the friendly gent from Gloucester I met on the bank at Bo'ness some days back has noted that steam is heading his way on Saturday ?
12 In the depth of the slump , with 3m jobless and a dozens of businesses going bust every day , the retailer has proved that food is still a big item on the nation 's menu .
13 The ergonomist has to believe that work is a good thing and that to conduct it efficiently is always better than to conduct it inefficiently .
14 I shall be elaborating upon this point in a short while , but for the moment let us observe that fundamentalism has flowered because it has concluded that liberalism is effete , ineffectual and impoverished .
15 In particular , the International Organisation of Securities Commissions ( IOSCO ) has concluded that LIFO is one of the accounting alternatives that should be retained in revised IASs .
16 Patrick Parrinder , focusing on such contradictions and inconsistencies , has concluded that theory is a failure .
17 Scott thinks that landowners no longer form a distinctive group within the upper classes : the growth of ‘ agribusiness ’ has meant that agriculture is run in much the same manner as any other business .
18 The growth of non-profit-making abortion clinics since the act has meant that abortion is widely available .
19 The adoption of a simple format , please do n't call it boring , has meant that production is quick and easy .
20 ( No less a modern authority than Germaine Greer ( 1984 ) has insisted that sisterhood is a greater reality in preindustrial society than liberated modernity . )
21 The Government has insisted that confidence is needed before the economy can improve .
22 With regard to the latter the House of Lords has stated that intention is an ordinary English word which in most eventualities the judge should leave undefined .
23 The British scientist James Lovelock has suggested that life is at its richest on Earth during Ice Ages .
24 Although a range of sociological theories has suggested that crime is due to deprivation of one sort or another , it is worth stressing that many middle-class children also engage in delinquent behaviour .
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