Example sentences of "been no [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Although , as we have seen , there has been no core curriculum since 1905 , teachers have based their work upon key elements — that young children should be helped towards the mastery of the written and spoken word , and to have sufficient understanding of number .
2 I 'd forgone breakfast because I had n't got to bed till four in the morning , lunch because I had a hangover and anyway I was late for the train , and due to the fact that it was — according to British Rail at any rate — still part of the extended Festive Period , there had been no buffet trolley on the train .
3 Sir Patrick again insisted that there had been no Government deal with the unionists .
4 There has been no chromosome work in Shetland ( nor investigations of the " teeth " ) , but the shell-shape data strongly suggest a meeting of two factions-in some places the enclaves show the full " normal " range of variation : in others , only a few miles away , they do not .
5 There had been no horror particular to Toulouse to explain that extraordinary fear ; the battle had been less threatening than a half-dozen of the Spanish engagements , yet Sharpe had never forgotten the awful fear , nor his relief when peace had been declared .
6 while the cyclists have been putting their feet up there 's been no rest day for other sports … here 's our round-up of the weekend 's winners and losers
7 On appeal it was held that there had been no material irregularity in the proceedings .
8 They stressed , however , that there had been no radiation leak at the plant , which is of the Chernobyl type .
9 There had been no birthday parties after that .
10 However , there is and has been no club lobby of the European Parliament , and although most clubs are affected by exclusive purchasing agreements they played no part in the construction of Reg 84/83 , whose operation now affects them .
11 If the rent was from non-UK land there will have been no tax charges under general principles although the income may be assessed under TA 1988 , Part XV or TA 1988 , ss739 or 734 or , if it is paid out in an income form to a UK beneficiary , it may be assessed on the beneficiary under Schedule D , Cases IV or V. The position with regard to dividends received by overseas discretionary trusts where the income is then paid out to a beneficiary is complicated because of the way in which the 10 per cent additional rate charge is levied .
12 There have been no mortality trials of adequate sample size to assess the role of heparin as sole adjunctive therapy to thrombolysis .
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