Example sentences of "been a [noun] 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In its lifetime it has been a grocer 's shop and a bank .
2 In most of the cases regarding the equivalence of overseas qualifications which have been referred to the Darlington office of the Department of Education and Science , the minimum stated requirements have been a master 's degree , the equivalent of ‘ O ’ level passes in English and Maths , plus a full teaching qualification from a recognised Department of Education .
3 A recently discovered ‘ memoir ’ of an old bedridden resident has , for December 1860 , the following : ‘ In an old house that was next to Mr Wagoner 's shop near the Red Lion there lived a man by the name of C … , who had been a gentleman 's servant , but had lost his character and situation and was very lazy .
4 She ate there often ; and since her grandmother had been a gentleman 's cook , she ate well .
5 A slight discoloration of the lining of the breast pocket of the jacket suggested that there might have been a tailor 's label , but if there had been , it had been removed .
6 The self-destructive streak in Scottish football is a legacy that has been handed down from Hughie Gallacher in the '20s to Mo Johnston in the present day , but it finds its most bloated expression in Slim Jim , a player whose massive reputation was built on his slender athletic frame but whose downfall has been a rake 's progress of late nights , seedy bars and relentless beer bellies .
7 He had been a gamekeeper 's son , and until his father died had lived all his life in the country .
8 And you can imagine it , if her mother has been a lady 's maid or some such .
9 ‘ No , ma'am , only that she died before her time and had been a lady 's maid . ’
10 Having been a King 's scholar at Westminster , he attended Trinity College , Cambridge , and was entered at Lincoln 's Inn .
11 Had n't there been a man 's voice : ‘ I am deliverance ’ ?
12 Until recently we used to laugh behind our hands at the unfortunate women of the Soviet Union , who had to drive buses , work cranes and perform other heavy duties that have been a man 's prerogative since the beginning of time , due to an acute shortage of labour .
13 In the afternoon , when only her mother was with her , she stated spontaneously to a nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she had been a Jehovah 's Witness and retained some beliefs .
14 Last spring there 'd been a blackbird 's nest in the tree by the goal-post in the school playing-fields .
15 In former times he might have been a nobleman 's factotum , now I dare say he is a film director 's personal assistant , and he leans forward obsequiously to catch his companion 's every word .
16 A wooden kitchen table with some crocks on it , a car battery split long ago , three chairs and a broken clothes horse , a pile of something in a corner that could have been a tramp 's bed , or , indeed , a long-dead tramp .
17 Had that been a spider 's web that touched her cheek just now ?
18 Presumably once the building had been a shepherd 's hut , even his home perhaps , but it was long derelict .
19 As the train drew near she looked out for Rough Stones , the house up on the hillside where they had made their first home ; but it was night , and all she saw was a glimmer that could as well have been a shepherd 's lantern .
20 Peter Shaffer has only the fondest memories of a performer who appears to have been a playwright 's delight .
21 ‘ Mind you , there does n't seem to have been a moment 's peace since I started out in the Irish News away back in 1929 .
22 ‘ Killing Angela Brickell might have been a moment 's panic .
23 There had been a moment 's silence and then Alice had said : ‘ My father died , killed in an accident when I was fifteen . ’
24 Now in its fifth year , the event has always been a scalesman 's nightmare producing winning weights ranging between a colossal 92lb to 60lbs .
25 The ‘ him ’ appears to have been a ship 's wheel originally .
26 The Chief Constable fussed around the Bishop , the press had been shut up , or anyway given a damn sight less than they would have been if it had n't been a priest 's body , or rather , head .
27 He has always been a mummy 's boy , and he has always been arrogant .
28 The rub is that measuring nanomolar changes in an ion , with minimal cell disturbance , has been a physiologist 's headache for decades .
29 She had been a mother 's help to a family in Hampshire , she had babysat through an agency in London , and had taken on cleaning jobs .
30 It could have been a wood-cutter 's cottage in an old fairy tale , Sara thought , or the first house built by a settler in the Wild West .
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