Example sentences of "been a [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For a long time there had been a struggle for supremacy between the established church , the Quakers , the Catholics and the Congregationalists .
2 Every game between the teams since has been a struggle for superiority and status with Dundee in the role of the local aristocrat and St Johnstone the perennial grousebeater .
3 The Colony , which had its legal status removed in February [ see p. 38002 ] , was still operating and former inmates had reported that it had been a centre for child sexual abuse and slave labour , and a torture centre for Pinochet 's DINA secret police following the 1973 military coup .
4 There were still many family units left although in the last two decades there has been a tendency for farm sizes to increase .
5 There is some evidence that committee members feel themselves less fettered by party ties in committee than on the floor of the House although there has been a tendency for party loyalty to reassert itself if the report is debated .
6 Instead , the information disseminated is designed to make too many people comfortable with the idea that these horrifying centuries of murder and pillage have been a fight for justice and democracy .
7 The extent to which Pythagoras and his followers may have been influenced by oriental ideas has long been a subject for argument .
8 Nissan 's Zama factory , outside Tokyo , which is to be shut down , had been a showcase for automation in the 1980s .
9 Lack of academic training does not appear to have been a handicap for Roddick .
10 In this way the programme has been a catalyst for change in the various local communities , bringing about personal development and the widening of skills at family and community level , both for Community Mothers and the parents they visit .
11 ( Has there been a craze for pogo sticks out there ? )
12 The reaction to that speech - and my reaction to that , the attempt to explain and apologise — put a firm stop to any hope I might have had that I might have been a candidate for leadership of the party . ’
13 The activities of the far right have been a cause for concern over here for a while now .
14 He was a quiet baby , watchful , with a stillness about him which , if he had not been able to crawl and stand and almost walk , would have been a cause for concern .
15 Because class size has always been a cause for complaint in primary schools , some heads used their staffing enhancement to create smaller classes .
16 The biggest electoral upset came in Dungannon , where Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis lost his seat and Sinn Fein grabbed two extra seats on the council , which has been a model for co-operation between the two traditions .
17 The biggest upset was in Dungannon where Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis lost his seat and Sinn Fein grabbed two extra seats on the council which has been a model for co-operation between the two traditions .
18 The biggest electoral upset came in Dungannon where Ulster Unionist Ken Maginnis lost his seat and Sinn Fein grabbed two extra seats on the council which has been a model for co-operation between the two traditions .
19 The party took more easily to modern electioneering than did the Liberals , and gained an unexpected bonus in the votes of women , who have been a force for conservatism since their enfranchisement in 1918 .
20 Street children like Manoel now fear more than temporary incarceration at Febem , the Dickensian state orphanage that has long been a synonym for alienation and violence .
21 It has been a victory for teamwork . ’
22 She loved him deeply , but their relationship had generally been tacit ; there had never been a need for definition , explanations , analyses .
23 SIR , — Gender verification of Olympic athletes has been a matter for discussion since the first analyses were done in Mexico in 1968 .
24 The identification of particular EEG/EOG signs with a sleep state in which people are likely to be dreaming made it feasible to answer a number of questions which had previously been a matter for speculation , and which are perennially asked by ordinary people .
25 Education had always been a matter for state and local government in the USA and now Kennedy was proposing to give over $2 billion to aid schools , plus over $3 billion to higher education .
26 The question of the appropriateness of nursery curricula in particular and other pre-school opportunities in general has been a matter for debate for a number of years ( Tizard 1974 ) .
27 It would have to be taken out to the van , and that would certainly have been a job for mother and son , a major job at that .
28 Elder abuse has not been a priority for research or for developing practice guidance for social workers and other staff who have direct contact with older people .
29 The large number of Cabinet ministers who have resigned or been dismissed have not been a focus for dissent .
30 On the issue of economic integration , delegates heard that only some dozen states had so far opted to adhere to the treaty instituting an African Economic Community ( AEC ) , which had been a focus for optimism at the OAU 1991 summit .
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