Example sentences of "been the [noun] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 It is also believed to have been the word used by Romans when they were attempting to describe the giraffe .
2 Even more important in the context of this book , however , have been the changes wrought by migration .
3 Although evidence that Sheffield did any work appears lacking , his might well have been the activity reported by Dickson .
4 The other stand-by has been the money earned by Greece 's merchant navy .
5 And there 'll also be at the club tomorrow morning an antiquarian bookseller , a dealer in manuscripts , and an expert in drawings , to see if there 's been the hanky-panky suggested by those few notes about Fishbane . ’
6 One reason for this has been the deference shown by the Court of Appeal to the expertise of the Commissioners , a deference which appears to be justified by the thoroughness of the re-examination of the cases by the Commissioners .
7 A major worry has been the threat posed by groundwater pollution and some research has been conducted on using GIS to monitor this ( Merchant et al. 1987 ; Barringer et al. 1987 ; von Braun 1988 ) .
8 This has been the procedure followed by the Yugoslav statisticians for many years .
9 This has been the method used by all the great melody-writers over several centuries .
10 This has been the method used by the most successful interactive video systems of recent years .
11 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
12 The second special factor has been the role played by the Murid Brotherhood , an Islamic movement founded in the first decade of the twentieth century by Amadu Bamba , which has played a key political role in delivering support first for the French colonial authorities and later for the governments of independent Senegal .
13 Indeed , this has in effect been the argument made by many international lawyers in the years after Hiroshima .
14 This appears to have been the conclusion reached by the Israeli government when it launched its air attack on Iraq 's French-built research-scale Osiris reactor at Tuweithah near Ctesiphon in June 1981 .
15 Perhaps his greatest tribute , however , has been the comments made by so many people in the organisation : ‘ Peter always took time to listen ’ .
16 First , there had been the challenge posed by the calls for an international working-class opposition to the First World War .
17 A notable exception has been the guides produced by Open University teams ( involving academic staff and librarians ) and published as separate units for particular courses .
18 This may well have been the aircraft attacked by Westmacott .
19 This has not been the view taken by the Roman lawyers in other European countries .
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