Example sentences of "been a [noun] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There has been a contraction and closure of plants , especially in the central urban areas , while there has been some expansion elsewhere .
2 It will be recalled that Philpot , before his appointment to Stockport as Headmaster , had also been a master and housemaster at Cheltenham .
3 His father , founder of Britain 's fascist party , had been a speaker and politician too .
4 For the remaining eight months she will continue her TV production work with FCEI , which has been a member and partner of WACC for several years .
5 The author seems to have been a companion and friend of St Paul .
6 Dated to the second half of the second century , it seems to have been a tannery and leather workshop , and is not only one of the few reliable instances yet found for this industry , but is also one of the few industries attested at Alcester .
7 Sleight had been a friend and champion of the deaf and dumb all his life .
8 I am a great admirer of longevity and Michael has been a friend and colleague for 32 years .
9 He had been a friend and ally of the president for many years and had served as chief of staff when Reagan was governor of California .
10 The Gallic chief , Commius , who had been a friend and ally of Caesar , turned against him in the great revolt of Vercingetorix after the Roman invasion of 55 and 54 BC .
11 The pope under whose jurisdiction he eventually fell , Urban VIII , had once been a friend and ally .
12 Lord Carnarvon , 68 , has been a friend and confidant of the Queen since her single days .
13 He had been a deacon and church treasurer before coming to Darlington and he hopes in retirement to have more time for church work .
14 ‘ But it is certainly true that there have never been a king and queen who are divorced .
15 If it had been a man and woman relationship you would think that was understandable but we are n't expected to have feelings ; if we do they 're a joke . ’
16 Yes , it was probably as Hans said : there had been a row and Chuang 's wife had used Hans 's name to spite her husband .
17 William may or may not have been a rogue and charlatan ; there are said to be many such in Panama , which as a crossroads for the modern world radiates a special magnetism for crews of ne'er-do-wells .
18 In the Corfe Castle listing of 1794 , one of the relief recipients , in his seventies and with a large family from a younger wife , is described as a labourer , but a marginal note informs us that he had once been a farmer and overseer of the poor .
19 I have been a pessimist and defeatist all my life and I 'm not going to change now ! ’
20 Moreover , Sir Ralph had been a soldier and Geoffrey was not , at first glance , the sort of man likely to be welcomed into such a family .
21 On the one hand , there has been a redefinition and tightening of formal controls , but on the other , there has been a simultaneous and sometimes incompatible thrust towards more management autonomy .
22 I think erm it 's interesting erm to listen to desert island discs the last two weeks that the luxury item chosen has been a piano and people are saying that they would like very often , there are a lot of people who 'd like the opportunity to have learnt a musical instrument .
23 In the thirties , my father had been a painter and decorator , plumber , electrician , publican and boxer , but when I was growing up , he was a Spiritualist and a faith healer , talking about his negro spirit-guide , Massa , and explaining how he knew when people were cured because he felt burning coals in the palms of his hands .
24 Source C " The impression left on the minds of those who heard the speech , after the first sensations of surprise had passed , was that the whole thing had been arranged long before and that , while in the Cabinet and committee they had been making panic stricken efforts to balance the budget , the whole business had been a humbug and make-believe . "
25 An additional consequence of this narrow definition has been an emphasis and preoccupation with the chemical and reactive sequences leading to signal generation , with little or no attention given to the materials that make up a biosensor .
26 Evelyn had been an aide and friend to Di for 11 years .
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