Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [that] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now then er regular listeners will know that over the last couple of years or so we 've done some special listener trips for you er and we 've gone down to London .
2 When the Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , addresses the Tory party conference this morning , he will know that despite the appearance of support from the lady at his side , it she who is almost single-handedly responsible for the undermining of his policy and his prestige .
3 My hon. Friend will know that at the end of November we made a number of requests to the Government of Libya .
4 The hon. Gentleman will know that in the last year we have also cut interest rates seven times and halved inflation .
5 Those who take it ( and those who do n't miss a treat ) will know that in the best possible sense it is conservative .
6 Many of you will know that in the eighteenth century , Buffon had defined literary style as the order and movement which we impose on our thoughts .
7 The House of Commons , understandably — again , with some justification but not with total justification — will assume that for the other member states the double hesitation by the United Kingdom was the crucial aspect of the agreements at Maastricht , but it was not .
8 Though there is broad agreement on the contents of such books on constitutional law , in the last resort it depends on what academic lawyers consider relevant — and a quick survey of standard textbooks will show that at the margins there are significant variations in what is brought into the orbit of the British ‘ constitution ’ .
9 This disconnection between aims and curricular plans seems to be an endemic disease of curricular planning and , unless amended , the National Curriculum will show that in the late twentieth century the policy makers still could n't get out of the rut of traditional thinking that has dogged education throughout this century .
10 A detailed study of figure 1 will show that in the first three minutes after outbreak , the height of the flames grow approximately to the height of the ‘ level ’ of racking on which the fire started , by five minutes some four levels have been involved , and by seven minutes to eight minutes the flames will be breaking out at the top of the racking .
11 We are delighted that 90% of you say that you like the magazine , and you will see that on the strength of that we have followed a similar kind of format : a mixture of news about the University and articles by alumni .
12 Specifically in Highways and Planning , if you look at the previous report , the enclos following profile one , you will see that in the Highways Planning Department excepting the offices , it is almost entirely male , and I think this is , it 's for the Director of Highways and Planning to say in the end , I think this is an acknowledgement by him that in the way that you mentioned nevertheless it seems to be apparent in some way , shape or form , women are not getting equal opportunity in that department .
13 You will remember that on the occasion of the first valleys initiative statement we had to raise many points with you in order to persuade the right Hon. Gentleman to come here 24 hours after he had made a statement in Wales .
14 Erm , you will remember that after the last meeting we were going to have a meeting with Mr which we , which we subsequently did have and we put forward several erm possible uses for the old hospital , including re-siting of the library , relocation of the council offices , police station , day centre for the elderly , day services for the physically disabled , for young mothers and children centre and for a mental health services centre and he was delighted that we had the meeting because he has to meet with his superiors late in December , early January , when he has been asked to put forward ideas .
15 Perhaps , one day soon , we will discover that in the most secretive Communist state of all , Kim II Sung 's Hermit Kingdom of North Korea , the Party was still more nepotic and clannish than in the Balkans or in Iraq .
16 Will my hon. Friend suggest that hospitals in the Sheffield health authority area considering trust status should visit the Walsall trust hospital in the west midlands , where they will discover that in the first three months of this year 1,100 more patients were treated than in the year before — a 13 per cent .
17 You will appreciate that over the past two years much has been studied and debated on the issue of windfarms inside CPRW and we have worked closely with others , including CPRE .
18 But you will appreciate that in the matters that he has pleaded , pleaded guilty to this morning , he in fact failed to produce his insurance , driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
19 they will deduct that off the value
20 Developments in telecommunications which are now taking place , however , will mean that during the 1990s , broadband distribution will become available enabling online , simultaneous transfer of a wide range of digital information .
21 The deeming provisions will mean that during the interim period the vendor will be treated as acting as agent for the purchaser yet the purchaser will have no control over the vendor 's actions .
22 A quick and efficient recovery immediately after the race will mean that by the time you 're on your way home , you are planning the next marathon .
23 Where this has been done and the company has also dispensed by elective resolution with the requirement to lay its accounts and reports before a general meeting , it will mean that in the single-member company no member meetings will be required .
24 The predicted demographic downturn will mean that in the future there will be labour and skills shortages for many organisations .
25 ‘ We will tackle that at the appropriate time , ’ said Aycliffe , adroitly side-stepping this issue .
26 Erm , members who are also members of the Business Grants Panel will recall that at the December meeting we agreed to grant to a company so he may relocate into the area creating twenty seven jobs , and Friday we learnt that relocation 's to go ahead to Telford .
27 Congress will recall that over the years I 've made references to the close working relationship , which was developing between G M B and our German colleagues .
28 You will recall that during the last Executive Committee meeting we considered a proposal to create an index to help branches make use of the increasing amount of planning policy guidance which is now available .
29 In relation to the North sea , I am sure that the Minister will recall that during the Kincardine and Deeside by-election , various hints and half-promises were given about the transfer of the petroleum exploration division jobs to Aberdeen .
30 The Minister will recall that during the first Tory recession , Ministers claimed that making many people redundant was a price worth paying to make British industry leaner and fitter .
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