Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Another will want to do it again anyway for the effect .
2 The fans will want to see him again , not four months or a season from now , but soon .
3 She went on : ‘ I am very pleased at what has happened today but there is always the fear that they will want to take it further .
4 Not that many drivers will want to push it that far ; beyond 4000rpm the 1.4 Energy unit is distinctly thrashy .
5 As commerce and vested-interest groups come to understand the power and potential of public relations , so they will want to use it more .
6 And , no doubt , if ever John Hall discovers the identity of the anonymous benefactor who spilt the beans , he will want to shake him warmly by the hand and offer him thanks on behalf of his club and the good of all in English rugby .
7 Obviously too , if you have a country hall you will want to keep it as countryish and as relaxed as possible .
8 They will want to forget you as one of their worst casualties ’ .
9 They will want to throw them away , when they find mature faith .
10 And , as Robin Powell reports , it 's unlikely that anyone will want to try it again .
11 ( And the Children 's Bill currently going through Parliament will seek to give them more rights and protection . )
12 Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) has launched a new campaign against pollution by warning the directors of 14 industrial companies in Yorkshire that it will seek to prosecute them personally unless they take action to prevent their companies breaching water pollution laws .
13 If you can remember where you want to go , my horses will guarantee to get you there . ’
14 You will need to practise it carefully .
15 You will have guessed it anyway .
16 ‘ Sssomeone will have to drive him away . ’
17 You may not like me for it but I will have to drive you hard if you are to learn all you will need to survive what you will face .
18 The government will have to cultivate it carefully .
19 And if he makes it , Crewe Alexandra will have done it again !
20 We are forced to work fast and badly , but we do n't know whether there is any point to it because it may all be swept away in a month ; on the other hand , nothing at all may happen , in which case we will have done it badly to no purpose .
21 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
22 ‘ About that , you will have to give me more details , ’ she said calmly , gazing at my face .
23 Yes , it is too bad about the Kuwaitis ; but oil is a commodity and Iraq will have to sell it just as Kuwait did .
24 If you do n't want it I will have to cancel it tomorrow .
25 You will have to weigh it again once it is stuffed for an exact time .
26 Lithuanians have been hit hard economically since they regained independence and his cautious approach to economic reform will have won him much support .
27 You will have to prepare them beforehand , of course , and have them ready for use before planting — plus the material to make the ties .
28 Those in the know — the core group of researchers in any field who spend a lot of time at conferences and seminars chatting about the state of the art — will simply disregard the anomalous result , or they will have gossiped it away in the bar after the meeting .
29 My parents will have to send me away . ’
30 I will have to edit it now Kerslake , BATTY and now Strandli
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