Example sentences of "will [adv] [verb] your [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you are by nature a defensive fighter , then by adding on the abilities of an attacking fighter you will effectively double your capability .
2 An annuity is an arrangement with a financial institution whereby , if you are over retirement age and do not want to leave your property to anyone when you die , they will effectively buy your house from you ( albeit at a bit less than the market price ) , give you guaranteed security of tenure until you die , and turn the money that they pay you for the house into a regular income for life .
3 If you continue to work without leaving , you will eventually lose your right to claim constructive dismissal .
4 By using the map and clues you will eventually find your way to a fine hostelry out in the country .
5 When I did a lot of my chord studying I used a Gibson 175 , and a cello guitar will obviously make your music go in a certain direction .
6 I do n't know how many people know this , but if you 're in custody and you have council accommodation , the council will only pay your rent up to a year .
7 In an attempt to reduce administration costs , in future we will only notify your drug control officials of positive test results .
8 If , however , you are reconditioning an engine anyway , the fitting of the valve seats will only increase your expense marginally so the return will probably be after only 5,000 miles .
9 General Motors has two dealers in Britain — in Kingston and Manchester — and if you want a Syclone they will only lighten your wallet to the tune of £20,000 .
10 This will greatly enhance your ability to concentrate , to meditate and to visualise — an important adjunct in self-healing and when giving healing massage .
11 It takes only a few minutes to carry out this simple exercise , but it will greatly improve your ability to recognise genuinely lost coins when your search head passes over them .
12 When you have decided which sound or set of sounds you want to check make as consistent lists as possible — this will greatly help your hearing .
13 You still — God knows why — wish to imagine that someone will inadvertently examine your underwear after the car crash of sexual congress .
14 But study stints that are too short will merely increase your anxiety .
15 Be prepared to abandon lines of enquiry which are not producing results that will easily meet your deadline .
16 To give you time , should you need to agree the details with others , we will normally hold your holiday choice until the close of business on the following working day , when it will automatically lapse unless you instruct your travel agent to confirm the booking to us .
17 of the thought for the economical development policy panel er that is what I had agreed of er , I will just draw your attention to suggested resolutions on page four of the second report in the series .
18 In advertising the purpose of research is to be able to plan the campaign so you know to whom you are talking , what you should be saying , which idea will best convey your message and , finally , whether that message is having the right results .
19 Temperatures out on the ice can vary from zero to -40C — but watching the seals will soon warm your heart .
20 Most of the top sailors start here , so be careful who you position yourself next to since if they are fast they will soon take your wind .
21 Do n't be bashful about telling folk how you feel for a loved one 's advice and experience will soon put your mind at rest .
22 People of his generation do tend to regard £1000 as being rather a lot of money , although the rest of us realise that it will hardly keep your motor car in petrol for long .
23 Then when the evil day comes , you will be able to resist the enemy 's attacks ; and after fighting to the end you will still hold your ground . ’
24 This does n't matter , because it will still underlie your response .
25 If there is a light in the roof space , good — but you will still need your torch .
26 However , while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft .
27 However , while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft .
28 However , while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft .
29 However , while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft .
30 It will rapidly relieve your itch whether it be a mild irritation or an allergic rash , on any part of the body .
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