Example sentences of "will [be] [adv] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In order to define mental alienation and abnormality , the psychiatrist must first know what is normal , accepted and socially approved ; since these vary in different cultures and subcultures he will be completely at sea outside his own milieu unless he takes account of the cultural factor .
2 And the glamorous good looks of the ‘ Chippenham ’ kitchen ensure that it will be equally at home in the town as in the country .
3 I will be here at quarter to six .
4 ‘ Miss Throgmorton will be here at lunchtime .
5 ‘ The Chariot will be here at dawn , good Calatin , ’ said Fael-Inis , and Calatin at once said that this was a very good time for a journey .
6 I 'm off with my family for a week 's holiday in Cornwall and Jenny is hoping to take advantage of my absence to get some rest so the office will be ‘ manned ’ all next week by Heidi , though Jenny will be around at home .
7 I 'll tell you : we 're leaving because the little cheat 's time will be up at midnight , son , that 's why .
8 For those who will be offshore at Christmas time , a video entitled ‘ A carol for christmas ’ has been prepared .
9 Soon she will be back at home and all this will be forgotten . ’
10 Soon , Anna and I will be back at school .
11 We 're going to install temporary buildings and hopefully the children will be back at school next week .
12 Alan Webb and his crew will be back at sea in two weeks time racing around the Isle of Wight …
13 ‘ I WILL be back at work for my shift tonight at 10.30 ’ — miner Bernard Amos after being trapped by a roof fall for more than eight hours .
14 A hard dog will usually have forgotten the experience by now and will be back at heel .
15 He will be more at home at the new Ministry of Fun .
16 Although , in theory , anyone could become infected by HIV , some people will be more at risk than others .
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