Example sentences of "will [be] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It will be over a quarter of that for the entire EC , more than twice West Germany 's and equivalent to those of France , Belgium , Denmark , Luxembourg , Greece , Ireland and Portugal added together .
2 ‘ My move from accountancy to law will be both a challenge and a change of emphasis ’ said Mr Toghill , ‘ I am aware of the present employment difficulties in the profession .
3 They will be both a force for stability and a force for change in the next Parliament whatever role we play . ’
4 A final choice of engine for the Il-103 has yet to be made , but it will be either a Lycoming or Continental in the 200/210hp class .
5 If serious conflict breaks out with regard to any one of these types of demand the result will be either a neurosis ( conflict between the ego and the id ) , a manic-depressive disorder ( conflict between the ego and the superego ) , or a psychosis ( conflict between the ego and reality ) .
6 Section 39 Trustee Act 1925 provides that where a trustee desires to be discharged from the trust and where after his discharge there will be either a trust corporation or at least two individuals to act as trustees , then if the trustee by deed declares that he desires to be discharged and his co-trustees consent , he shall be deemed to have retired from the trust .
7 As the mount will be either a war boar , giant spider or giant wolf their profiles have been included in full .
8 If all is well , it will be simply a matter of lowering the model gently to the ground from the low level hover position .
9 Only one day , but nevertheless it 's something that they will always remember and hopefully it will be just a spur for them to go on and do better things .
10 HOTLINE TO THE FUTURE By the end of the century , the telephone will be just a telephone no longer — enter the personal communications centre
11 Each year 200,000 sq kms of rainforest are ripped out worldwide and , at present levels , scientists estimate that the tropical rainforests will be just a memory by the year 2050 .
12 Sometimes this specification of context will be just a phrase , such as :
13 THE Ulster roar , which nearly tore the roof off at Cheltenham as Rhythm Section won the Tote Festival Bumper , will be just a whisper compared to the reception The Committee will receive if he wins next Saturday 's Aintree showpiece .
14 The first misunderstanding that I should like to clear up is the assertion that the Government have chosen King 's Cross as the terminal for the channel tunnel link and that Stratford will be merely a station along the route .
15 It will be quite a feather in his cap if Cambridge win today .
16 As the lifting kite is going to be large enough to carry the weight of line , carrier and passenger(s) , there will be quite a pull , so it pays to use good quality braided Dacron of adequate breaking strain .
17 Erm obviously if you did n't , then the widower 's pension will be quite a bit less cos we 're only talking about from nineteen eighty eight .
18 ‘ The flat we are moving into is quite cold ; a rise of 17.5 per cent will be quite a bit . ’
19 So there will be quite a rainforest theme to May 7th , which is where we 're sort of hoping to launch everything , and start selling tickets for the events , things like that .
20 ‘ It will be quite a party , then . ’
21 As you can see there will be quite a lot more work .
22 In January , Chris Benstead , a freelance percussionist , who has already run a very successful with our trainers , will be with us all day , both to accompany a class ( which I can promise you will be quite an experience ) and to run practical workshops .
23 With a sigh , she said , ‘ I 'd better get back and fill out an accident report — I would imagine there will be quite an enquiry into this one . ’
24 But there will as I my honourable friend knows , there will be quite an argument when we see the prospectus and I have n't had the priv the privilege of seeing it erm although I 've had the opportunity to discuss er its contents with th with the er chairman of the P I A er er and the Chief Executive .
25 If such a treaty were signed , it will be less a result of any great Europeanism in France and more the result of a fit of absence of mind .
26 The SPRED session for your son/daughter will be once a fortnight .
27 Kenneth Branagh 's own performance — correct , passionless , all intelligence - will be entirely a matter of taste . ’
28 However , he noted that cloning Sun 's machines will be only a part of Hyundai 's operations .
29 Until the time will come when that enemy in you will win and your yearning for freedom will be only a lie which you turn into dreams that start ‘ if only …
30 A computer is a wonderfully useful tool but it will be only a nuisance to your wife if all the language data is locked up on disks and she has nothing to look at in a spare five minutes .
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