Example sentences of "will [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If the small company audit is abolished , the reason for being authorised will disappear along with a substantial part of their earning capacity which they do not believe they can recoup through selling other services .
2 Lysette has no fears that her marriage to hunky Luc will wind up like a scene out of Husbands and Wives or with the heartbreaking headlines that Woody and Mia have endured .
3 The jury will remain out for a year or two yet on whether the operating system can see off the threat from Microsoft Corp and its Windows NT , but Unix is definitely not winning big in the public relations stakes : the Wall Street Journal dismisses Unix as ‘ a catch-all term for many operating systems that share some features and a common parentage ’ .
4 The jury will remain out for a year or two yet on whether the operating system can see off the threat from Microsoft Corp and its Windows NT , but Unix is definitely not winning big in the public relations stakes : the Wall Street Journal dismisses Unix as ‘ a catch-all term for many operating systems that share some features and a common parentage ’ .
5 His departure is described as amicable and he will stay on as a consultant .
6 He will stay on in a consultancy role for a few months until his successor settles into the job .
7 Baboons will gang up on a leopard in a similar way , although this is a risky venture .
8 A host of current Irish League stars who came through the ranks will line up in a special BB challenge match .
9 You want to be very careful er , Mr Chairman , how we put out erm , information , I mean , let's face it , you know , you start sort of raising a lot of hairs if you 're not careful and if , if , even if it 's totally irrelevant people will latch on to a particular com comment and make it their own .
10 Finish by saying ‘ now all fall over ’ and , as you do it , you lean in to the person next to you and everyone will fall over like a row of dominoes .
11 If all goes according to plan the enemy will fall back into a defensive position to the west of the area , around an airfield .
12 Large particles will fall out within a few hundred kilometres of the detonation site ( the local fallout ) while smaller particles and gaseous radionuclides injected into the troposphere may be transported around the earth in the same hemisphere and between hemispheres by , for example , the East African low-level jet stream ( Findlater , 1974 ) , to be deposited hundreds or even many thousands of kilometres away ( the tropospheric fallout ) .
13 Just as a human baby may draw comfort from sucking a dummy , so occasionally a baby elephant will sidle up to a young female and suck her milkless nipple .
14 These user experiences will tie up with a process we describe in Chapter 9 concerned with the changing relationship between medicine and the heroin user seeking treatment .
15 Just For the Record will tie in with a nationwide tour of the same name , and will be promoted ( including signing sessions ) by band members Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt .
16 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
17 It is inevitable , therefore , that problems in this respect will carry through to a tentative application of economics to law .
18 AT LONG last we have a newspaper that will speak up for a referendum on Maastricht .
19 When eventually the artwork has been drafted , you will finish up with a ‘ see-through ’ view of the copper track pattern , as seen through the board from the component side .
20 Most of the problems will clear up in a couple of days , and your muscles will be back to normal within three to four weeks .
21 They know the grandchildren will grow up with a mixture of character traits collected from way back , on both sides of the family , but they like to think that something of theirs , some good trait or talent , will be packed somewhere in their grandchildren 's psychological ‘ baggage ’ when they set out on their journey into adult life .
22 supervision and they 're used until the head of the femur right , the head of the femur is fixed back into the socket joint and the muscles and ligaments have tightened up so that they hold the bone in place and treatment can go on until they 're about a year the consequences of not treating this condition are quite severe , the child will grow up with a very odd gait .
23 They will grow up in a world of many hostile enemies and one or two protective parents .
24 In Darcy 's Utopia there are bound to be children , but their parents will be carefully selected , and being in short supply they will grow up in a world which loves and admires children and finds them interesting , and does n't herd them together in schools to get them out of the way , dunk them in front of obscene videos to keep them quiet , and slap them about and threaten them in the streets , which is what happens in this society of ours which you seem to find both perfectly ordinary , and , worse , inevitable .
25 While we have separate currencies a poor economic performance will show up as a balance of payments deficit — but with a single currency that warning signal would disappear , and a poor performance would show up by whole regions or countries becoming depressed and blighted areas afflicted with mass unemployment .
26 From the low admission rate , the nine hundred thousand in our revenue budget which was shown this year as savings , seven hundred thousand of which was met by fudging community care money in June is now short by three hundred thousand so at the end of this year there will be an overspend or rather a loss of income of three hundred thousand which will show up as a deficit on social services budget for this year .
27 More generally , water will show up from a distance by catching and reflecting light from the sky .
28 Therefore it seems to me that the communist party really has to disappear , it 's a good thing that it 's own general secretary has disbanded it , I anticipate that it will break up into a number of political parties , perhaps one kind of social democratic party on the left and another , if you like a kind of Russian unionist party , on the right , erm , but as the communist party it 's simply incompatible with the emergence of democracy in the Soviet Union .
29 Some of these phases may dissolve and the coatings will break down by a combination of solution and particle attrition as less soluble particles break free and migrate into the body .
30 Uneaten food , and anything once living that dies or lies in the tank will break down in a similar fashion .
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