Example sentences of "would have been [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't actually know if I would have been best friends with her had I not met her before , but we get along well now , + are well suited .
2 Rachaela could imagine Emma would have been all congratulations and the joys of womanhood .
3 Normally there would have been two solicitors covering police stations at Stockton , Middlesbrough , Thornaby , South Bank , Redcar and Guisborough .
4 Bearing in mind the provocation , and the fact that the offender had to face the prospect of being sentenced a second time , the sentence was far too lenient , and a proper sentence would have been two years ' immediate imprisonment : that sentence would be substituted .
5 There would have been other players between the two extremes of those who required a check and those who did not .
6 It 's never a good idea to get too involved with a colleague , but there would have been practical problems anyway .
7 The basis for assessment , therefore , would have been administrative records such as tax registers , providing evidence of the value to the monarch of individual civitates , which had been the basic units of government in the later Roman Empire .
8 Thin layer chromatography ( TLC ) is considered in some detail ; although paper chromatography and electrophoresis would have been useful additions .
9 It would have been nine wickets , but Lewis Eckett , editor of Club Horror , was Absent Without Leave .
10 The correct sentence would have been nine months ' detention in a young offender institution , and that sentence would be substituted .
11 ‘ My beloved husband died after a lingering illness on 29th April at 18 minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning … if he would have lived to the 25th August , he would have been 63 years old . ’
12 ’ If we were still in our own country , Andreas , a man like you would have been married years ago and you would have many children to delight you in your old age . ’
13 ( A century earlier these figures would have been 11 years and 10 years . )
14 Besides , filling hot water bottles was not man 's work — fetching coal , sawing wood , even opening a bottle of wine would have been suitable occupations for Rupert to be discovered in , but not this .
15 If the non-transferable votes had been transferred in the same proportion there would have been insufficient transfers to Donnelly to ensure his election .
16 If it had been a more crowded time there would have been unbelievable numbers , ’ he said .
17 Gaiters , you would imagine , would have been banned years ago , as they enable the dashing bishop to show a leg in its full shape .
18 The consequence was that , deducting three years from eight , the proper sentence would have been five years : that sentence would be imposed .
19 The proper sentence , taking account of all relevant factors , would have been five years for the robbery .
20 Smith , though , is of the opinion that Rangers ' problems , while substantial , are better able to be handled now than they would have been five years ago .
21 Smith , though , believes Rangers are now better able to handle their injury problems than they would have been five years ago .
22 A major part of the paper 's thinking was that it could employ people who would have been good journalists if they had pursued journalism as a conventional career .
23 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
24 I think there would have been various difficulties in Mr. Ashworth 's path had he sought to pursue an argument based on strict estoppel .
25 Luckily we were over Germany and not the worst nightmare , over the Channel , as we would have been thirty minutes more into the flight .
26 As there would have been equal numbers of damaged nuclei , however , in both groups ( upper one third and lower two thirds ) of crypt fractions we feel that this is not likely to be a significant distoring factor in the analysis .
27 As I use Taskmax and Windows 3 , both of which use SWAP designations , these would have been primary candidates for missing disk space , except in both cases the swap areas are allocated to E : \WIN — a subdirectory on a 3Mb RAM drive .
28 His first ministry was brief , but when his government was defeated it was clear that nobody could take his place : for three months George II had to run the administration without any parliamentary ministers — an operation that was not as impossible as it would have been seventy years later , though not nearly as normal as it would have been seventy years earlier .
29 His first ministry was brief , but when his government was defeated it was clear that nobody could take his place : for three months George II had to run the administration without any parliamentary ministers — an operation that was not as impossible as it would have been seventy years later , though not nearly as normal as it would have been seventy years earlier .
30 The spread is measured in " ticks " ' with each tick equal to %; and whereas , prior to October 1986 , a typical spread for short-term bonds would have been 2-4 ticks ( the lower for the more liquid stocks , the higher for the less liquid ) it is now 1-2 ticks .
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