Example sentences of "would have [been] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 ( This is consistent with the existence of the 14-km-wide Lappajârvi crater in Finland , apparently the result of an impactor of carbonaceous chondritic composition ; this crater would have been excavated by a carbonaceous asteroid 1km in diameter . )
2 It is about 100 km diameter , and making reasonable assumptions about the impact speed would have been excavated by a rocky body about 10 to 20 km diameter .
3 It does n't seem plausible to think that anyone with any knowledge of the difficulties which would have been presented by trying to recover and rebuild enough aircraft to produce the film would have seriously considered the idea .
4 Even if it had survived , it is a moot point how long this bias would have been tolerated by West Germany .
5 Let us imagine the unspeakable agonies of horror that would have been suffered by someone in — I will not say a less exalted — a different position who had been similarly vilified .
6 Reportedly , the Sackler maiolica was only the initial offering , which would have been followed by the collector 's bronzes and terra-cottas .
7 Had this been a scene in a movie , it would have been followed by pistol shots and , no doubt , the entry of a deadly snake into the Sigmoid tent .
8 Can anyone tell me how , if at all , Scottish interests would have been damaged by having increased Scottish membership on the committee of the regions ?
9 In John Hart 's case , his appeal to the House of Lords against the decisions of the High Court and the Court of Appeal would have been dismissed by four to one , had proceedings as related in Hansard not been allowed as evidence .
10 The question to be addressed by an industrial tribunal in a particular case is whether a man would have been dismissed by the employer if , in the same circumstances , he would have been absent for the same length of time for medical reasons .
11 ‘ I would have thought the Royals would have been warned by their security people that on no account should they use mobile phones for sensitive information because they are not secure .
12 I suspect he would have been rewarded by now had a private conversation of his on a car telephone not been picked up and leaked a couple of years ago .
13 This would have been disapproved by purists .
14 In his Memoirs he claims feebly he had foreseen the dangers , but believed that with the limited forces available an attack on the Left Bank would have been stopped by the ‘ well-constructed ’ enemy position .
15 Clearly without the deprivation payments some good inner city practices would have been bankrupted by the new contract .
16 Moreover , a Marxist-Leninist analysis of foreign-policy formulation in the United States ( which would have been accepted by Guevara and also by Raúl Castro , both extremely powerful figure ) implicitly makes two assumptions which have been shown to be inaccurate : firstly , that the ’ bourgeoisie' always act in concert , and secondly , that the ruling group has control over the statements of major Interest groups within society .
17 The entry would have been obtained by fraud in the presenting of a forged transfer for registration .
18 Correlations calculated this way are generally smaller than those that would have been obtained by correlating the averages but because they do not average out the variance from different subjects they provide a more realistic assessment of the size of an effect for any individual subject .
19 Had it not been for the section , the court was of the view that the claim would have been defeated by volenti .
20 Under normal circumstances , Lucien would have been reared by his uncle , Enkhari , who was not a blood relative but the lover of his father .
21 This means that only a third who were found to have breast cancer would have been detected by breast screening .
22 For example , while LMS gives the governing body the power to cut their school 's staffing establishment , they also have the power to exceed the level that would have been fixed by the LEA .
23 If the £190,000 had never been paid , he would have been importuned by his creditors .
24 On entering the yard through the correct entrance , they would have been met by me , who would then have informed them that the smoke was merely magic smoke to lend atmosphere to the proceedings and that there was no cause for total panic as some pupils would seem to be prone to . ’
25 On the other hand , they would have been inspired by the promise that they , as loyal adherents of the Messiah , would be granted a unique recompense for their fidelity and for any suffering they had incurred .
26 He thought that the Americans were right in their estimate that any truce would have been abused by the North Vietnamese to strengthen communist forces in South Vietnam .
27 However , all this is doing is attempting to build into the machines the intelligence that would have been exercised by a skilled worker in going through the labour process .
28 Formerly , a centre offering these three types of SCOTVEC provision within one cognate area would have been visited by three different external verifiers .
29 It was placed a little further forward along the wall of the building than would have been selected by a novice and apparently with a knowledge of the positions of the interior walls .
30 hmm right , yeah but all these equipments would have been selected by by competition would they ?
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