Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If they had not had medical knowledge , their mental problems would have surfaced in some other form .
2 Councillors , conservation groups and the public joined forces to condemn the transfer , which would have involved between 65 and 70 articulated lorry movements for ten hours a day in each direction , six days a week .
3 The legislation , which would have applied to some 50 per cent of US employees , had been passed by the House on May 10 and by the Senate on June 14 .
4 Still , it seems unlikely that all eight members of the harmonie rustique would have played for this number .
5 But she lived in the shadow of her sporty sisters and her mother who was ‘ captain of everything ’ when she was at school and would have played at Junior Wimbledon but for an attack of appendicitis .
6 About one hundred seconds after the big bang , the temperature would have fallen to one thousand million degrees , the temperature inside the hottest stars .
7 If wages per head had not increased , the share of GDP accounted for by consumption out of wage earnings would have fallen from 52 per cent in 1952 to 31 per cent in 1970 ; this would have required an inconceivable rise in other types of spending ( by capitalists and government ) if the increase in production was to be sold .
8 After allowing for a few thousand of natural increase , the Serb and Montenegrin population of Kosovo would have fallen from 237,000 in 1981 to about 220,000 in 1986 .
9 The value of the deposit at the end of two months would have fallen from 1,015,007.80 to 1,014,621.23 , which represents a loss of 386.57 .
10 What disruption carefully organised and constantly renewed bomb attacks would have wreaked upon this communications ' artery ( i.e. the Voie Sacrée ) , crammed to the most extreme limits of its capacity , requires no details .
11 Yet outside of her home in east Belfast , few people in tennis would have heard of 16 year old Zara Wolsley .
12 Here , he would have heard of poor Mansfield 's terrible death following a naphtha fire in a derelict building in St Pancras , as well as of G. F. Wilson 's new processes for producing cheap glycerin soaps and ( Price 's patents ) candles from low-grade fats , and of Abel and Spiller 's progress at Woolwich Arsenal on organo-nitrate explosives .
13 This is a compilation of mbaqanga music , very typical of the township jive you would have heard in any shebeen since the 1960s : lively , rollicking music with fluid , chattering guitars .
14 Rosalba would have twitched at such words , but Cati was so used to them , she only wavered because she was wondering how to give him her message , and she thought he was going to turn .
15 The Sergeant was a very good piper and would have gone on all night .
16 But who would have gone to such lengths to scare her , and why ?
17 Now the loss will be converted to a profit of around £65,000 — money which would have gone to Tblisi as qualifiers for the European Cup first round proper .
18 He concluded that he would either have saved £2,000 a year or that £2,000 a year would have gone towards any increase that there might have been in the cost of living or any increase in the standard of living of the family .
19 Assuming a generational period of , say , twenty-five years , they would have gone through million generations — more than fifty times the prehistory of Man .
20 If he had not been with them , he would have gone through that town quite safely .
21 Many less well-equipped ships would have gone through that interlink only at Firstlight speed , and then nervously — because of the horror tales of ships that slid through the wrong slots and were caught in endless loops round and round the interlink for centuries .
22 The winding up of the New Town Development Corporations began in the mid-1980s , and in December 1986 the Minister for Housing said that all of the New Town Development Corporations would have gone by 1992 .
23 The onus is upon you to show that you have suffered loss and , if you have suffered no loss because your job would have ended in any event , there will be a nil award .
24 The furtiveness and fear of discovery that end Laura 's and Alec 's relationship comprise a set of emotions that Coward would have felt with particular force and poignancy , and which gay men ever since have responded to with recognition and admiration .
25 For perhaps three seconds guilt was all they did feel , the simple , shocked guilt they would have felt before any adult .
26 ‘ It would have felt like that to Danny , ’ said Rachel .
27 ‘ There are lots of women like me around that you would have felt like this about if you 'd met them . ’
28 They could increase their holdings of capital , by charging more in depreciation than they would have charged in principal repayments .
29 Many other top-ranked players , including Norman , would have buckled under such pressure but that statement epitomises the courage of the man .
30 So most of the electrons and antielectrons would have annihilated with each other to produce more photons , leaving only a few electrons left over .
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