Example sentences of "would be much [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Henry would be much safer in London . ’
2 If women were evenly distributed across the spectrum of employment , their pay levels would be much closer to those of men .
3 If the duty rate per degree of alcohol were raised for wines ( and beers ) and lowered for spirits , the standard rate for all alcoholic drinks , which would maintain the total tax take , would be much closer to the wine rate than the spirits rate .
4 ‘ Your comrades should n't try so many escapes , then life would be much pleasanter for you . ’
5 Morton reflected that if , indeed , he ever did become a royal photographer , life would be much duller for his acquaintances .
6 You must n't get me wrong , I think the world would be much better without software piracy .
7 But the Director of Education concluded that the educational situation would be much better at Green Haven .
8 The other major worry was that the Russells Hall pupils would be much better at the work .
9 When I heard Celtic were interested , I decided Scotland would be much better for me . ’
10 And if you 're determined to make a new life for yourself , Jessamy , it would be much better for you if you did n't end the old one on a sour note .
11 A dish of greens would be much better for you , ’ she said , raising her voice and turning towards the young man .
12 I want him to return to his old life , which I consider would be much better for him .
13 Our advice is that , where hedgerows are to be replaced , they should not be substituted just with a row of quickthorn between two strands of barbed wire , but with a mixed , proper , traditional hedge — which would be much better for the environment and habitat .
14 You do seem to enjoy watching nude bathers , so do n't you think it would be much better for everyone involved if you went somewhere where they did n't mind being watched ? ’
15 Ghorbanifar told Ledeen that he thought it would be much better to ‘ leave the hostages aside ’ .
16 Most workers , it was claimed , thought that it would be much worse for Germany if it lost the war , that a more draconian Versailles , the dismembering of Germany , and massive unemployment would be the consequence .
17 Nevertheless Mr King says it would be much worse under Labour .
18 Unemployment may be too high now , but it would be much worse under a Labour government and a national minimum wage which independent surveys show would destroy jobs .
19 It would be much simpler to
20 ‘ It is the considered opinion of the board of governors , ’ he said , ‘ that in the interests of the good name of the medical profession , and ’ — he gave a diplomatic cough — ‘ of St Andrew 's , it would be much easier for all concerned if you were to resign . ’
21 It would be much easier for us to actually say that the
22 I think this is rightly so , but there is an advantage to knowing to being slightly more explicit about how you 're doing it , and I think that if a lot of the evaluation that already went on in schools became a little bit more explicit and a little bit more open , it would be much easier for people outside the schools to realize the extent at which schools were themselves already engaging in evaluation .
23 the magazine had the final say on the format of the finished pattern , so I found myself having to pass over things like ‘ Take off on a hand knitting needle ’ when I knew full well that it would be much easier to ‘ take off on waster yarn ’ .
24 And it would be much quicker on a train .
25 The embassy was convinced that , at least in the short term , the United States would be much embarrassed without the services of such a partner .
26 He knew Blanche would be much happier with the file photo the same newspaper had used of her .
27 But he would be much happier with a National Express type privatisation in which a number of franchisees operate and market a uniform system with nationally available fares and information .
28 particularly in Norton were affected very badly , so you do support the ban on the ten on the A ten eighty eight and we do support an extension of that date , I 'm not happy about the six month extension I would be much happier with the three month extension , I think the people in
29 If motorists could see that the tax was being used for that purpose , they would be much happier about paying it
30 According to legend , Dame Janet decided that these ducks would be much happier in St James 's Park and arranged for them to be escorted thence .
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