Example sentences of "would be [verb] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Robin Leigh-Pemberton , the governor of the Bank of England , in a speech in Hamburg on Jan. 22 , maintained that " the hard ecu would not be victim to the pitfalls of other parallel currency schemes because it would be defined so that it could never be devalued against other ERM currencies in a realignment " .
2 A number of people would have their wages reviewed immediately , and the wage structure would be altered so that people on the lowest wages would get proportionately higher increases .
3 The shop steward then stood up and asked whether the management would be so kind as to tell him which men would be involved so that he could inform their wives now . ’
4 At the same time the tables would be turned so that they could actually be used to help finance the project , along with the Right-On councils which had already thrown financial caution to the winds .
5 Such rules would be formalized so that any appeal against the rules could be expressed in terms of a ‘ correspondence principle ’ linking action and formal rules .
6 At the very minimum they must have been made on the basis of a police guarantee that matters would be manipulated so that courts would not impose additional punishment for the illusory offences .
7 A compromise was being hammered out in which the once-opposed concepts of design and transmutation would be synthesized so that the trends in the fossil record could be accepted as the gradual unfolding of a divine plan .
8 If , in these cases , the creditor leaves it to the debtor to procure the third party to provide the security , it is , in my opinion , almost inconceivable that the approach referred to by Dixon J. would be adopted so as to enable the surety to repudiate liability .
9 In the rather broader context of a graduated test scheme , evidence of mastery would be needed so that ( i ) a pupil 's achievements could be informatively reported ( e.g. for certification ) , and ( ii ) to indicate readiness for further learning to be undertaken at the next level of a scheme .
10 Money would be appreciated so that some half-dozen good prizes can be purchased .
11 The president , Cory Aquino , confirmed weeks of rumour on March 21st when she said that the ban on Mrs Marcos would be lifted so that she could go on trial in Manila , but only when the government had decided what to charge her with .
12 A five-year career break would be introduced so that mothers could restart their careers when their youngsters started school .
13 The system would be configured so that the file database could be interrogated against a wide variety of search parameters ( eg officer name , file reference , file titles , etc ) , and the basic structure of the index entries reflected that given in the FAOR functional descriptions .
14 To attain efficiency , it would be expected that factors of production would be allocated so that their marginal products would be equal .
15 Indeed he would be doing so if he did no more than move an item from one place on a shelf to another .
16 But at Camperdown we see , for the first time , the unbroken en suite arrangements of private and principal apartments , from bedroom to dining room , with each room in the sequence which it would be used so that the mistress of the house need never appear in hall or corridor unless going out .
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