Example sentences of "would not [verb] [verb] so " in BNC.

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1 He did not doubt that she was a prisoner , for these were the Warden 's men who they had thought would not dare come so far into the forest .
2 She would not have gone so far as to define it as softness .
3 It grew colder still as the night fell , a crackling frost under a sickle moon , but the coldness did not reach into the Norderns ' flat and it would not have done so even had the central heating broken down , the joy and relief of the family generating enough warmth to melt the polar ice-cap if necessary .
4 ‘ Oh , Mrs Dinah , I would not have done so , but it 's the poor children .
5 I knew Mum would not have done so because they did n't get on , although I never found out why .
6 Many of those who voted against the government would not have done so had they expected an election .
7 We would not have done so had the fee been £600 .
8 They would not have done so if they had been loose on their mountings .
9 I had had no intention of seeking to intervene in the strike and would not have done so but for the ubiquitous activity of George Wigg .
10 He remembered now , though would not have done so otherwise .
11 She had consented to intercourse with him and would not have done so had she known of the disease , yet her consent was not vitiated by his omission to tell her of his bodily condition .
12 And it showed in her own tone when , ‘ Had you telephoned last night you would not have done so , ’ she replied coolly , if not a shade haughtily .
13 Yet this distinction is a relatively recent one : Isaac Newton , for example , would not have distinguished so clearly between physics and philosophy .
14 They believe they would not have achieved so much had they tried to score points by claiming victory every time an amendment was made or a change was accepted .
15 She herself would not have peered so openly at personal photographs .
16 In the country it was the custom for the estate workers or tenants to act as both coffin- and pall-bearers , this was a necessity as the local builder often doubled up as undertaker and would not have had so many men at his command as the full-time town undertaker .
17 In the early to mid-'80s , The Wasp Factory 's prole art debut would not have seemed so brave , but in releasing an album bound to infuriate and confuse most who cross its path at this time they really are pressing their luck .
18 In the early to mid-'80s , The Wasp Factory 's prole art debut would not have seemed so brave , but in releasing an album bound to infuriate and confuse most who cross its path at this time they really are pressing their luck .
19 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
20 They were people who had reason to be suspicious , or they would not have paid so highly for Hayman 's services .
21 Boys , young lads , not happy boys or they would not have sat so loosely to life that they could come the way of their murderer .
22 He did n't make it to the course on the next day , was sacked , and always maintained that if he had n't given up the drink for those ten days or so and ‘ dried out ’ he would not have got so drunk , would have been on the course at the appointed time , would not have lost his job , and would have have carried for yet another Open Champion .
23 The Liberal Democrats supported Tories on a raft of issues , not least on reform of trades union law — and if they were able to exercise a restraining influence on a minority Labour government they would not hesitate to do so .
24 Responding to Heath 's invitation , Wilson wrote that he was not a member of the Conservative Party , or of any political party , and while he was willing to assist the Advisory Committee by participating in the work of its study group on post-war crime , he would not wish to do so if the implication of his participation was to become politically committed .
25 And given that it was Godolphin himself who supplied these items — most were simply terrestrial trivia , revered in the Dominions because of their place of origin — and given that he would not cease to do so as long as the fever of collection was upon him and he could exchange such items for artifacts from the Imajica , Peccable 's business would flourish .
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