Example sentences of "would make [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , such houses had always been offered to the National Trust , which had initially taken them without endowment , accepting instead an undertaking that the Ministry of Works would make good any deficit on repairs and maintenance through a Historic Buildings Council grant .
2 Cheney 's decision to cancel rather than rescue the stricken programme was also widely interpreted as an attempt by the Defence Department to repudiate the long-standing convention that defence contractors could enter into unrealistic contracts confident that the government would make good any losses suffered in cases other than fraud or gross mismanagement .
3 The margin between them by the end of the campaign was considerably larger than the gap between Mrs Thatcher and the Labour leader five years ago : 1987Apr 7–8Now Thatcher/Major would make best Prime Minister 42 39 47 Kinnock would 31 28 21 Conservative advantage+11+11+26 Asked who they thought would ‘ make the worst Prime Minister ’ , 51 per cent of Gallup 's sample named Mr Kinnock — seven percentage points higher than the number who named him in 1987 .
4 Of course , some of the LSE II 's bass response must be down to the rosewood back and sides ; the chances are the mahogany version would be toppier-sounding , but both would make equally top-notch recording guitars .
5 Both parties would make dangerously large cuts in this nation 's defence .
6 And Phil promised he would make as many trips as he could to see the lads in the red and white .
7 If social psychology were to become a historical discipline , then it would make as little sense to conceive of pure and applied historical social psychology , as it is to talk of pure and applied history .
8 I have noticed in the past , of course , that most conversations would make much better sense if you ran them backwards .
9 I think it would make about two gallons of whisky , I think he said , the little barrel .
10 One significant advantage of electric vehicles is that their widespread use would make far better use of off-peak electricity .
11 It would make far more sense for the rules to say that breeches had to be saddle brown or horse-gob green , which would also stop men riders showing off their underwear .
12 For reasons that were probably unconnected with wine-tasting , Dr. Prior 's subsequent entries became very sparse until , some years later , the chairman of the Board made a note of his own saying that he ‘ would be obliged if Dr. Prior would make more frequent entries in the book as to the general condition of the house and its inmates ’ .
13 By analogy with the Z2 Carbonate , however , similar porosities could also be expected to be developed in base of slope sediments where the pay zone would be thicker and the rocks would make more attractive reservoirs .
14 American hopes that Castro would make only gradual changes were quickly dashed .
15 It would be attempting the impossible to write about all the varieties of roads there are in England in the space of a few pages : such a wide-ranging discussion would be full of familiar generalisations and would make very dull reading .
16 A small , shallow valance approximately 15cm ( 6in ) deep , with more fullness than the curtains , would enhance the window 's appearance and would make very little difference to the light in the room .
17 As a little compensation I begged Captain King to let us remove either to Bruny , or to Muscle Bay , which would make very little difference when once the wind set in fair , and it was accordingly settled that at daylight we should sail for Muscle Bay . ’
18 It would make very significant incursions into our much against our wishes , to accommodate that , so that we would be looking to North Yorkshire to and work to the same levels of migration , the trend in migration as it were .
19 I already have five extremely amusing stories and I know these would make very interesting reading .
20 Coming into the Virgin offices he would make exaggeratedly friendly overtures to the post boy and the receptionist and be sullen and truculent with Branson or Simon Draper .
21 It would make so many others wrong .
22 Erm with whitewash not with er emulsion , that was too expensive , they 'd buy a packet of a packet of which would make so many gallons of whitewash and you 'd whitewash the ceiling .
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