Example sentences of "would not [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Damage whilst on other premises is now covered , but would not have been under the previous Engineering policy .
2 Angela Brickell would not have been to his taste .
3 The implications of that piece of grandiloquence would not have been at all to his taste , as anyone can see from reading a paragraph or two of any of his books .
4 This failure with this surprising machine would not have been at all like the failures of ordinary deterministic coin machines .
5 If either of these sentences were true , the story would not have been worth telling , since the conversion would have been a purely fanciful affair which bore no relevance to Lewis at the deepest levels of his being .
6 However , this would not have been worth as much as the Guardian payout to the average investor .
7 But when a lawyer asserts that A can sue B , what he means is that A can sue B , successfully ; if he meant his words to be taken literally , they would not have been worth the uttering .
8 For post-designation companies , about two-thirds would not have been in the zones had designation not taken place .
9 Fortunately the incident took place during the school holidays , otherwise I would not have been in the garden later in the morning , when a cock started crowing .
10 On the other hand , it is conceivable that he would not have been in a position to appreciate the differences very clearly .
11 It would not have been in his nature , nor would he have been inclined , to do otherwise …
12 For if only he could fly free then perhaps this life of hers would not have been in vain .
13 But it would not have been in the least like that , really .
14 It would have been so much easier if he had remained hostile towards her , but she could sense that that simply would not have been in keeping with his personality .
15 Indeed de Gaulle would not have been in the least surprised had he known of Kennedy 's assurance to Macmillan in April 1961 that Anglo-American relations would be strengthened by British entry .
16 If the remedies provided in England were of universal application then it is clear that this appeal would not have been before your Lordships .
17 And in his present state of mind , I for one would not enjoy being on the receiving end of his temper .
18 Should he achieve it , he would n't mind being in the British team at Victoria , in Canada , next year .
19 Would n't mind being in that upper sixth .
20 But without her virtue , even if she had been beautiful , she would n't have been worth the weight of her little toe in dross .
21 This section is for permanent residents ; I brought you here first because if it had got out that you had been here and had n't seen this lot my life would n't have been worth living .
22 ‘ All the coaches in the world would n't have been of any use if you had n't had courage .
23 As a member of the family , you would n't have been on the list .
24 It would n't have been on the books if I ever seen blatant sectarianism at its worst it 's in that bloody motion .
25 He would n't have been on this airwell at the time , though .
26 if it 's doing so well , oh and you would n't have been on that long under a Labour Government , of course , it would 've been jobs for the boys , they 'd 've slipped you in I 'm sure .
27 He 'd passed his last medical , otherwise he would n't have been on board .
28 That 's why I have to keep an eye on it cos that blind and that , but it wo n't come yet , it would n't have been on that , that was priced it .
29 ‘ I know that if Ken had had any kind of sexual relationship it would n't have been with anyone he knew well .
30 She would n't have been at all surprised if she were .
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