Example sentences of "would have been [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That would 've been down hill .
2 erm , you know , with preparation beforehand I would normally have , have realized that , and anything else would 've been on top of it .
3 ‘ If Frankie had already signed , then he would have been aboard Musicale today , ’ said Sangster .
4 If the bonus had risen in line with prices since its introduction in 1972 , it would have been worth £48.85 last Christmas .
5 ‘ You 've told me nothing which would have been worth Edwin Garland taking the trouble to put into a letter and leave it with his lawyer .
6 At yesterday 's prices that stake would have been worth £7,900 .
7 When he had finished the hearings quickly wound up with no incisive questioning of the last three witnesses , Shultz , Weinberger and Meese , although their tales would have been worth hearing ; the committees , after all , had contracted to finish by early August , whether or not the full story had been told .
8 Normally , the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light .
9 If we sort of reverse things in our minds eye , and look backwards into the past history of the universe , we can come to a time where apparently all the material in the universe would have been on top of itself , that it would all have been squeezed into a point , and this moment sometimes people call the big bang , or the initial singularity .
10 There had also been personal prejudice against the three men who would have been on trial .
11 ‘ But here we are , drinking wine sitting on a bed that in former times would have been on fire by now . ’
12 As I understood er Mr 's position , he would have been on behalf of the Parish Council who are the only er people who are concerned about this as I understand , who raised an objection at this er at this stage they they would have been quite happy with the proposition that I 've put forward on behalf of the County Council .
13 In addition , access would have been over Midland metals , the route being Curzon Street via Exchange Sidings to Washwood Heath , the site of Saltley Works .
14 Access would have been through Southey Street , a narrow alleyway leading off the High Street close to the ‘ Crooked Billet ’ .
15 1-2-3 release 3.4 for DOS makes nothing easier than it would have been under Windows , but even the Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows version needs a major overhaul before many folk will take it seriously .
16 Output is accordingly lower than it would have been under conditions of perfect competition , and resources are diverted to alternative , less valuable uses .
17 ‘ Think of where we would have been without nurses during the war . ’
18 In a way I suppoise it was quite fortunate as we would have been without speed and wallace , who have now got a longer recovery period — as have all the other cripples that we 're carrying .
19 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
20 In our consideration of technology and the production of particular artefacts we have been considering portable items which would have been of assistance to everyday life , some more so than others .
21 But we were surprised that not once during our visit were the words ‘ land reform ’ so much as mentioned , although what has happened there most certainly counts as this , and would have been of interest to the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development held by FAO in 1979 .
22 Time enough and soon enough to greet them in the morning 's light when the men would have said their prayers and the womenfolk would have been to Mass and a stranger with a fiddle might be a welcome diversion from the day 's chores .
23 If this was the case all he would have done would have been to Hegelianize Ricardo .
24 The effect would have been to distance even more those living in the territories from the decision-making machinery of the PLO outside .
25 It is only necessary to reverse the meaning of the sentence to realize how difficult it would have been for Baldwin to have given a negative answer .
26 The friend said : ‘ The ideal solution would have been for Camilla to break off with Andrew , but it never happened .
27 Yet this admission was not so grievous for Tate as it would have been for others .
28 First , LAWER is viewed as the caring response of doctor and relatives for the patient , whose wishes , they feel ‘ confident ’ , would have been for life to have been ended .
29 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
30 Alternatively , if the company fell on hard times , the instrument took on not only a debt , but a highly onerous debt feature when the company 's need would have been for equity .
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