Example sentences of "would [be] go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyhow , whatever it was , maybe a little , as Jan says , he also had a f a bad flu bug at a bad time anyhow he crashed out of the computer science course and he announced that he was only regarding the computer science course as being a stepping stone to being a teacher so the sensible thing to do would be to go on to the teacher training course at Lancashire , an education course , cos that 's what he wanted to do .
2 She told herself that the best thing she could do would be to go out of the house and climb up to where the buzzards and the ravens nested on the clifftop , but she did n't pay herself much attention .
3 The only way to reverse what the hon. Gentleman alleges would be to go back to the sort of tax rates that we had under the last Labour Government — 83 and 98 per cent .
4 An hour had passed since she had thought about Catherine , about her and Mike and what would be going on at home .
5 Leslie had wanted to rejoin his old regiment , presumably in the belief that they would be going on to Sicily and Italy without too much delay .
6 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
7 If they were not unconscious , I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them .
8 Anyone else would be going on about softly wooded fissures and sweetly mounded hills .
9 She said although yesterday 's Drinkwise Day was a focus to promote awareness of sensible drinking levels the campaign would be going on throughout the year .
10 After the holidays she would be going up to Guides .
11 They would be going off in the boat together because that is what they always did in the mornings , to return in half an hour .
12 Erm but basically you , you would be going in to a village to , to try and encourage land reform with this document or knowing that this document existed .
13 ‘ I had no doubt that I would be going back to the university , ’ he says from his home in Princeton , New Jersey .
14 Joseph would be going back to the United States soon and would be beyond her gossip , but if Maurin convinced her of Joseph 's innocence , then how long would it be before she realized that he , too , had a strong financial motive for wanting the truth about the Durances kept secret ?
15 He was a virtual stranger , and in a few weeks would be going back to Australia .
16 He had tricked her , deliberately let her think that they would be going back to the hotel , but if he thought she was going to meekly go along with his conniving then he was going to be sadly disappointed .
17 At the moment six children would be going back into middle school in September .
18 He never said another word until the end when he told me he would be going out at 8 AM with the same four-ball and he would see me then .
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