Example sentences of "would [not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 She said ; I would not want to go up there .
2 She said ; I would not want to go up there in this wind .
3 I told him , although it was not true , that the local carabinieri had said he would not remain locked up there for long , but I am sure he did not believe me .
4 Emancipated as she considered herself , Zeinab would not have gone up to them alone .
5 If he had , maybe his marriage would not have broken up .
6 Youth Allyah would not have given up quite so easily .
7 A former 60-a-day-smoker , Mr McTear is suing Imperial Tobacco for damages , claiming he would not have taken up the habit in the 1960s had there been health warnings .
8 Let me try erm a straw poll on you and I 'm going to ask those of you , I 'll give you a moment or two , who would 've signed up the Maastricht Treaty and who would not have signed up the Maastricht Treaty if you 'd 've had a free vote ?
9 He was confident he would not have to pay up and even told me , ‘ You will never score that many goals ’ .
10 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
11 They would not have come up with the rest of the cash for at least another year .
12 I would not have started up so guiltily and … the Lord works in mysterious ways .
13 Inflation would not have picked up .
14 He said that his group would contest elections , but would not hesitate to take up arms again if the Sri Lankan government tried to suppress the Tamil movement .
15 The evidence would not seem to back up such suggestions .
16 We certainly would not wish to open up the question of need within that area .
17 He would n't want to end up sharing a cell with Mike Tyson , would he ? ’
18 She hoped that he would n't suggest coming up for a coffee ; she did n't think she could rise to a social occasion at this particular moment , so she was thankful to accept her car keys , bid him a hurried , ‘ Safe journey , ’ and close the door again .
19 A layout of that kind would have the advantage that you could leave your work out on the desk in the room and go back to it later — you would n't need to tidy up before you started on another piece of work , because you 'd go to another room to do it .
20 I would n't get fed up , no
21 ‘ Well , I would n't get mixed up with him if I were you . ’
22 That behind there it would n't get hoovered up .
23 I would n't mind taking up with her … ‘
24 ‘ A little spartan , ’ he ran his finger along the nearest buttress and examined the dust it collected , ‘ probably seen better days , but nothing a good lick of paint and a few ornaments would n't help to brighten up .
25 ‘ I firmly believe United would have won the title but for Wembley , while if we 'd got there we would n't have gone up .
26 The taxi driver would n't have turned up if he had n't read about you in the paper .
27 Well we 're not saying that we would n't have turned up it 's just that we were unable to turn up .
28 Of course it did I , I , I was able to , I was able to pick up , and I used to clear up crimes which I know that some of the others would n't have cleared up at that time .
29 Even if I had been sufficiently knowledgeable about the NHS funding system to counter his arguments , I still would n't have felt up to political sparring .
30 Of course , I would n't have stayed up .
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