Example sentences of "would [not/n't] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It ca n't , even had they married at this stage it would not have been right .
2 His defence was , therefore , that on the facts as he reasonably believed them to be , his use of force would not have been unlawful , and he was entitled to be acquitted according to the ordinary principles governing criminal liability .
3 Neath , the leading Welsh club side of the moment , were more or less ignored because although their forwards could get around better than anyone else 's there would not have been much point if they could not win the ball in the first place .
4 The preparation of the foundations and the timbers alone would have required considerable time and although C12 is the largest building excavated at the site , the effort required to build many of the others would not have been much less .
5 There would not have been much music , one is suddenly reminded or much singing and dancing where Anna came from .
6 It would not have been necessary otherwise to insert an advertisement like this in the New Yorker :
7 A few weeks later , the exportation of Jews from Minden in Westphalia provoked reported mixed reactions from the local population , ranging from sympathy for the Jews to outrightly nazified comments thanking the Führer for freeing the people of the plague of Jewish blood , claiming that had it been done half a century earlier the First World War would not have been necessary , and including rumours that the Führer wanted to hear by 15 January 1942 that there were no more Jews in Germany .
8 Had that been so , it would not have been necessary for his contract to include a statement that , ‘ the Company will bear the entire cost of servicing , repairing , maintaining , taxing and insuring the said motor car ’ .
9 Information on varieties of stone was given in the duplicated project booklet which the children received at the start of their work , but with some children this would not have been necessary had the school library resource centre contained suitable information in an easily discovered form .
10 The phrase ‘ surgical , medical or dental treatment ’ is evidently used in a fairly narrow sense : otherwise it would not have been necessary for Parliament to provide , by section 8(2) , that the expression includes diagnostic procedures , and ancillary procedures such as the administration of an anaesthetic .
11 Without such research there would not have been effective vaccination , antibiotics , analgesics , anaesthetics , transplant surgery , brain imaging , intensive care for babies , and drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders .
12 In such a setting , it would not have been surprising if an authentically Benthamite flavour had permeated the debates in Cabinet .
13 It would not have been surprising if Eva 's many gifts and accomplishments had brought the temptation to pride .
14 The striking head is difficult to parallel stylistically , and the teeth seem to have been cut with an abrasive wheel which would not have been available in the Americas before the Spanish conquest .
15 One such reform took place in AD 317 , and therefore coins made in the previous decade would not have been available after this date for subsequent use and loss .
16 This option would not have been available previously under SSAP 15 .
17 In many cases , these jobs would have required technical qualifications which would not have been available in the immediate local area , so mining companies provided mainly unskilled work for local residents .
18 Under 1989 EC guidelines , state aid provided to the motor industry has to be cleared by the European Commission and the generous level of aid provided to Nissan in Tyne and Wear would not have been available , had Toyota decided to invest there instead .
19 The judge found that the police had been engaged in a trick or deceit , had not acted as agents provocateurs or incited crime , had provided no market which would not have been available elsewhere , and had had grounds to suspect that each appellant had committed an offence by the time when the first sale by him was transacted , but that he had not been cautioned .
20 So , no market was provided which would not have been available elsewhere .
21 To assess the damages it is necessary to form a view upon three matters each of which is in greater or lesser degree one of speculation : ( 1 ) the value of the material benefits for his dependants which the deceased would have provided out of his earnings for each year in the future during which he would have provided for them had he not been killed : ( 2 ) the value of any material benefits which the dependants will be able to obtain in each such year from sources ( other than insurance ) which would not have been available to them had the deceased lived but which will become available to them as a result of his death : ( 3 ) the amount of the capital sum which , with prudent management , will produce annual amounts equal to the difference between ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) ( that is " the dependency " ) for each of the years during which the deceased would have provided material benefits for the dependants had he not been killed .
22 The example is absurd because , apart from anything else , workers would not have been available to operate the new machines .
23 But , unlike Locke , Parker omitted to account for this self-evidence , and so laid himself open to the objection of James Lowde , a defender of innateness , that such truths would not have been self-evident were they not innate .
24 That is , to the extent that the responses were the result of critical reflection they clearly show that left policies were lacking in credibility and attractiveness , yet insofar as the responses represented an uncritical carrying over of the ‘ media ’ line this would seem to suggest that the concerns of the left failed to strike the masses as of immediate practical importance ; the left policies can not have appeared to meet the practical needs of the working class , or else the Labour identifiers polled would not have been content to reiterate the media line with regard to those policies .
25 Had Woolwich failed in those proceedings , it would have faced a bill for interest , which would not have been deductible for tax purposes , in an amount far exceeding the net return which Woolwich could have obtained from investing the money withheld .
26 Had Woolwich failed in those proceedings , it would have faced a bill for interest , which would not have been deductible for tax purposes , in an amount far exceeding the net return which Woolwich could have obtained from investing the money withheld .
27 For example , hydrodynamic stability is now one of the more highly developed theoretical branches of the subject but the need for this type of treatment of the equations of motion would not have been apparent without experimental observations of instabilities .
28 He added , though , that there were no guidelines to cover the situation which had manifested itself in Orkney , and even if the council had formally adopted written guidelines , they would not have been appropriate in the circumstances .
29 The total impression is a nice balance between the colloquial , which might have led to bathos , and an over-polished style which would not have been appropriate to the subject .
30 Author co-citation analysis would not have been appropriate in the case of theses , but title-word co-citation could provide a useful tool for identifying specialist departments and multi-researcher programmes .
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