Example sentences of "would [vb infin] as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She had made the mistake of assuming they would think as she did .
2 He thought about the soaring , almost optimistic leap the Volkswagen would make as it cleared the edge of the cliff ( from Henry 's memory of it there was no safety barrier on that particular stretch of the Apennines ) .
3 Only an idiot would behave as you did .
4 To test for this intention we would have to establish whether he would act as he did in situations where he had no reason to believe that he could thereby induce the false belief in question .
5 Faced with the evidence that we have , any responsible Home Secretary would act as I have acted .
6 ‘ God love us , ’ he would mutter as he stumbled upstairs , ‘ and now would n't that be a thing ?
7 The wording referring to the specific location in the location description would by definition have to be drawn up the region , cos they would have intimate knowledge of the locality that er sorry and the costs would be drawn up by the region because they would know as I say intimately they would know that specific development
8 I would do as I do now probably and go
9 But I should say that if I had to buy them , I would do as I did with the ones I have — buy from a breeder .
10 Without a murmur she would do as he bid .
11 Eva , who was more used to giving than receiving orders , determined she would do as he said .
12 Kate knew she would do as he suggested .
13 Except , of course , she could never — ever — tell them what that folly had led to — even if , looking back , she could now honestly say that she had done nothing to provoke it , that she could have expected anger from Havvie at her changing her mind , but never that he would do as he did .
14 He was very interested in discovering whether the tattoo would grow as he grew and he thought he already detected some enlargement .
15 ‘ West Indies 790 for 3 declared , ’ I would insist as I delivered him his child 's dinner on a tray .
16 I knew one family where the husband hung himself facing the front door so that his body would be the first thing his wife would see as she came in .
17 Sometimes it went to sleep on the rag rug before the electric fire and snored quietly , or its paws would twitch as it chased rabbits in its sleep .
18 The event would conclude as it began with a handshake .
19 Instead of straightening out the bends on railways the train would tilt as it entered a curve .
20 He knew well the anxiety this would create as I wondered whether one day he would turn me away .
21 I imagined you let her go away with Steve because you … you thought she would finally get him out of her system , and you did say that you were certain she would return as you had something precious that Steve had n't got .
22 His remarks would recur as he shouted across the streets to the snobbish people of Chichester .
23 Was he just a common cock-tease , I would wonder as I suggested a new word , broke an overlong line , or did he sometimes really desire a more intimate contact ?
24 ‘ Excuse me ! ’ he would scream as he slashed at her throat , ‘ I am here !
25 She was going to be all right eventually ; her illness was physical in origin and the possibility of a relapse , while it terrified them both , would diminish as she grew older .
26 ‘ 84 for 2 , Mr Beesley , ’ I would shout as I passed him snoozing in the sun beneath the gangling wisteria .
27 ‘ Hey lads , ’ he would shout as he pushed his head through the door , ‘ Did I tell you about the cover from ‘ What Difference … ’ ?
28 Of course , some may in the early years have argued plausibly that the payments would rid England of the raiders for good , for it need not have been evident in the 990s that the problem would intensify as it did .
29 Most of it would disperse as it found its way through the gravel , and it may not be necessary to form a soakaway at the end of the drain .
30 The senders of it must have had misgivings as to whether he would obey as they appear to have decided to back it up with physical intimidation .
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