Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The existing two-tier system , it recommended , should be replaced by fifty-eight unitary authorities which would cover most of the country , but in three metropolitan areas there was to be a two-tier arrangement with responsibilities divided between a metropolitan county council and large district authorities ( along lines similar to those then operating in Greater London ) .
2 I propose that a local joint commissioning body for medical and social care should be established , which would eliminate much of the sterile debate about the boundary between the two .
3 The establishment of EMU would eliminate many of the distortions to capital movements caused by differences in the macro-economic policies of the member states .
4 In a study by Evans and Archer it was shown that random selection of securities would eliminate most of the non-market risk once the number of securities in the portfolio had reached 10–15 shares .
5 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
6 And any fallout from them would affect most of the southern half of England I think , is this true ?
7 We would prefer either of the alternative solutions to the checkerboard compromise .
8 As early as 1950 Norbert Weiner had predicted that automation would result , within twenty-five years , in a depression that would make that of the 1930s seem like a pleasant joke , and in 1965 an Oxford University professor was quoted as saying at one of the OECD conferences :
9 If this is so , it would explain many of the experiences of those who have sojourned there …
10 Write briefly on how you would explain some of the tasks that have to be carried out :
11 He would earn most of the money , she would work if and when she chose .
12 At the time of the second interviews ( June or July 1992 ) it was not clear whether the regional health authority would treat all of the savings as ‘ genuine . ’
13 Billington , however , was a master of his trade and fixed the arms with ropes so that they would absorb some of the shock .
14 I would regard that as the nightmare scenario .
15 In a recent article Poppy Holden has reflected upon the work of several major English choirs specializing in early music and suggests that some of their directors would regard this as the ideal way to work :
16 By the late 1980s , Action for Cities ( HMSO , 1988a ) , identified at least twelve separate interventions , although some of these were insignificant in resources terms and not all observers would regard some of the programmes as intrinsic to the inner cities .
17 Eventually I asked him how he had become a Christian and why he had believed , and then asked him how he would answer some of the questions that his visit to a French university was bound to raise .
18 The Lord 's vote had reverberations along the corridor at Westminster , a number of MP s hitherto quietly concerned about privatization now went public , they thought the Lords vote would take the sting out of the sell off because B R would win most of the bids , ministers vowed to defy the rebels , but just before the bill left the Lords the Government seemed to cave in .
19 Who would doubt this in the context of the post-industrial society ?
20 Examples of such ‘ classless ’ states would include some of the central African states of the nineteenth century , such as the Bemba of Zambia .
21 With full information about the dangers , people would buy less of the drug .
22 And the new ones , Jackson 's , would know all about the money , would n't they ? ’
23 If you think you might be interested please turn to page 5 for the ‘ job descriptions ’ and decide whether you would enjoy either of the jobs .
24 It can also be argued that the error present in this data , given its crudity , would swamp any of the other data .
25 Ed Zschau , chief executive of IBM Corp 's AdStar subsidiary , says the company plans to become known as a consumer products company as well as the leader in commercial storage products , and would pursue all of the market opportunities in which it could offer unique products ; he says AdStar aims to become the lowest cost producer in the industry , taking advantage of its technology , scale and commitment to quality ; speaking at the product launch in San Jose , he said that AdStar would also become known , more than it is today , as a software company ; it expects to have personal computer-oriented products in the retail market before the end of the year .
26 Ca n't you see that he was just worried that you would betray some of the organization 's secrets in a moment of passion ?
27 From the medical point of view , there were many good ideas which co-ordinated into a single design , would embody most of the special requirements of this type of building .
28 The Hon. Member for Cunninghame , North spent a considerable time addressing amendment No. 5 , which would prevent any of the privatised bus companies from disposing of fixed assets within five years without the consent of the Secretary of State .
29 Considering the pottery from the pre-forum levels illustrated , with the advantage of hindsight , one would date some of the vessels later than 120 , possibly 130 — 140 would be a better terminal .
30 And so I said , Yes , I would do that for the year and then I 'd get back into teaching .
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